March definitely came in like a lamb – but the sun played peek-a-boo with a light wind all day. Nicer temperatures so it was fine.

After work I met Aunt Darlene (a friend) and her friend Gail at Pizza Siena. The food was good but the service wasn’t. The waitress was super nice but not very attentive. I had a piece of pizza and a side salad. Either of those would have made a whole meal! I brought over half of the pizza slice home – it was huge! Auntie D treated me to lunch so that was extra nice.

The pizza I DIDN’T eat in front center.
I stopped on the way home at the Blind Association to get some documents shredded. Because it was under 10 pounds it was no cost! So that was a bonus. I’ll remember that.
After I got home and changed clothes I got out the St. Patrick’s Day decorations. I just have a small box and a few sheets of window stickees but it was enough to brighten up the house. Sharing some photos…

Today I received the ARC (corrected copy after my input) on The Thimble Shoppe – and Liz had changed the note in the credits. I am so blessed to be part of her team! I really enjoy reading and helping! Great story.

March 1 – Tell about being in a school play or program. “Our cousin Dora Burns was the music teacher and put on spring plays. I sang in the chorus. I still remember some of the songs when I hear them today. Mostly patriotic songs since we were at war at that time of my life.”

Yesterday’s vacation destination was Niagara Falls and the picture posted was Old Fort Niagara. The first few photos are ones we took when we visited in the fall of 2020.

Calendar Inspiration – It doesn’t take much to make a positive difference in the world.

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation Destination –

TOMORROW March 2 is:
- National Banana Cream Pie Day
- National Old Stuff Day
- World Teen Mental Wellness Day
- National Read Across America Day (Dr. Seuss Day)
- Ash Wednesday
Well, I have plenty of old stuff in my house, including me! But it’s ‘vintage’ and valuable and important! Have a happy day and read a Dr. Seuss book! God bless…
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