It’s been a long time since I’ve spent a day trying to do one thing – it took me all day not to do it! Lots of interruptions and distractions – but all good. Started by taking Mom for bloodwork. We made lunch and then she had an appointment with her caregiver after lunch. I cut the grass – what little there is. Most of it is clover, and it seems that clover is mower-resistant. Ugh. Deb stopped over to borrow another 2 books from my Jan Karon series (my favorite!)
and we visited for almost an hour. Long overdue! I did paperwork for a long-time friend (he was working for Smail’s when I started there in 1967!!) and WE talked for well OVER an hour. It was nice to journey back those long-ago roads. The best of times; the worst of times. Where did I hear that before?
I listened to Bram from First Baptist. His message was God in three Persons. He had touched on this message back in March at the beginning of our quarantine but still always something to learn. The Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) mutually dwell in each other; different dimensions. Now we see through the glass dimly – we can’t explain the mysteries, but we must embrace them. He wants us to accept him; our faith promises the spirit of God will live in us. The goal is NOT to understand the mystery of the trinity. The mysteries of God help us to understand God himself, and know he is within us. It’s sort of like being one person but having three names: for me it would me Marge, Grammy, Mimi. I’m still the same person but people identify themselves with me differently.
On this day in 1613 Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre in London burnt down. In 1776 the Virginia state constitution was adopted and Patrick Henry becomes Governor of Virginia. Elizabeth Barrett Browning (poet) died in 1861, and Katharine Hepburn died in 2003. And today is my cousin’s daughter’s birthday, Aimee St Gelais. Have a great day, Aimee, and enjoy your celebration. Many More! God bless . . .
PS – I just went out to water the plants on the hill – and the yard is full of fireflies!!! Delightful!!!
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