Now that I’ve posted the Skunk Hollow details, I can get down to today’s events. A little late is better than never, especially if it’s to recount a fun party day. Today after my early morning walk (not too early; I slept in!) I baked fresh scones for Kelly. Then I mixed a batch of icing drizzle for her, too. Nate came over around noon and did a few odd jobs for me. He hung my new Peanuts perpetual calendar. The ‘months’ come in installments. I have four and am waiting on the next batch with excitement. He put a new wall switch for my downstairs closet light; tightened a door knob, cleaned a few ceiling panels, and hung the ’76’ medallion I got for my birthday.
I drove to Washington PA and met Kelly, Matt, Logan and Chase at Cracker Barrel. I hadn’t seen Matt since Christmas, and Kelly and the boys since the beginning of May. We had a yummy meal and a nice visit – but too short! I have some stories I need to read for her, to help judge a contest for home-schoolers. Also notarized a few papers. Drove through some rain coming home but it was an easy drive.
Since it was still daylight when I got back, I decided to celebrate Paul Bunyan day and chop off a few branches. I took the Rose of Sharon out of the corner of the fence. It was growing through the links. Then I trimmed back the big lilac at the bottom right corner of the yard. Bundled up the branches and there you go! Good ol’ Paul!
I listened to Micah, since it was a continuation and I just listened to it Friday! It was entitled You do You! – but it was still about God being the potter. We should do what God created and instructs us to do. He has a plan, but sadly not everyone (even Christians!) will follow it. If only we would recognize that we are in good hands – God makes us perfect and Jesus intercedes for us. How do we know what God wants us to do? We ask him! Listen as he speaks to you through His word. It’s not always easy, and we don’t always make the best decisions – we are human, after all. But God promises that all things work together for Good. That doesn’t mean all things ARE good – God takes what happens and uses it for good if we yield to him. Don’t ever give up and be ‘done with God’ – he’s not done with us! If You be You – you are one of a kind. Be the YOU God made for his glory.
On this day in 1776 the final draft of the Declaration of Independence was submitted to the Continental Congress. I’m getting excited! I know what’s coming NEXT WEEK!!! John Wesley was born in 1703; in 1836 James Madison, our 4th President, dies. In 1965 Merle Haggard married Bonnie Owens – who was divorced from Buck Owens. I was a huge fan of Buck Owens so I’m not sure how I feel about that….
Today in National Paul Bunyan Day (I celebrated!), National Insurance Awareness Day (I wasn’t aware!!!), National Alaska Day, and National Tapioca Day.
Since I didn’t really post yesterday, here’s what happened on June 27th (not much….) Helen Keller was born in 1880. It was National Onion Day, National Ice Cream Cake Day (We had Ice Cream AND Cake, but not ice cream cake); National Sunglasses Day, National Bingo Day, and summersgiving. Now we are all caught up! Have a great week…
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