June 22nd 2015

VBS 6-15

This past week was insane.  Very fun and fulfilling, but insane!  Hempfield Church of Christ had their summer Vacation Bible School, and had a whirlwind week of Bible lessons, life applications, missions, snacks, recreation, more snacks, song time, and genuine fellowship. 

On top of that, I worked a full week at Smail’s, 3 nights and two lunch hours at Pinnacle, and attended the open house of the newly remodeled Mercedes dealership (which is fabulously wonderful, of course!).

My night to teach the lesson was on Monday, and I taught the lesson that God’s love is incredible through Moses and the burning bush.  The kids (pre-school through 4th grade) were all great listeners and enjoyed hearing the story as told by Moses’ wife.  I love teaching the little ones, and along with a ‘burning’ bush, a flock of stuffed sheep, two lions and a bear, it truly made the lesson come alive.

Birthday with Mary & Joni 6-15Thursday was my birthday, and my dear friends and co-teachers Mary and Joni brought a chocolate chip cookie to share with the teachers.  My favorite!  It was a great night, and a great week, and I feel very blessed to have the opportunity to serve God by teaching and to have such wonderful friends.  Blessings abound!

I did decide, however, not to celebrate any more birthdays the week of VBS.  I REALLY feel my age after running six days in a row, working, picking up the girls, working and/or teaching, delivering the girls home, and getting my home chores done.  Looking back on the week, though, it was a delight to share with so many wonderful people in a place ordained by God.

Kyle VBS
And I felt doubly blessed that I wasn’t Kyle, who was sacrificed as a giant S’more by 40 plus kids who covered him in Hershey’s syrup, pelted him with min-marshmallows, and dumped graham cracker crumbs on him!  Blessings do abound!  🙂

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