January 29, 2021

It was so good to have Kelly here all afternoon. We went shopping for her birthday and she had a successful venture – got several fun things that she needed and wanted! I found a Valentine plaque that didn’t have a hanging cord – it was half price – so I came home and fixed it. I’m not a fan of traditional Valentine’s day but love the sentiment of this plaque! Now to hang it somewhere… When we came home we made pizza and are now watching NOAH on TBN from Sight and Sound Theatres.

Free weekend for NOAH on TBN
Kelly with our new blanket.
True, this!!!!

I stepped outside to take some trash out – the moon is bright and beautiful and white. I took 2 pictures. One with the flash and one without. Neither does it justice.

No flash
With flash

This afternoon when I went to the bank, I was chased over by a number of firetrucks. Turns out a house over on Mohawk had a chimney fire – people were climbing all over the roof, and trucks lined the streets. Fire is my ‘thing’ – I hate hearing about it – so I was happy to see later that all was well and calm and back to normal.

Firetrucks on Mohawk

I will share Mike’s message from Hempfield – Anger. We deal with a lot of things that make us angry. Anger is not a sin – it’s how we deal with it. Righteous anger is acceptable, but vindictive anger is unforgiving anger. You don’t HAVE to sin in your anger. Anger is a ‘hurt’ problem: 1) Hurts other people physically and emotionally 2) Hurts US 3) Hurts our relationship with God. 3 ways to deal wrongly with anger: 1) Hold it back 2) Turn it inward 3) Be aggressive. Anger can be healed: 1) Don’t hold on to it – settle quickly and appropriately (Don’t let the sun go down on your anger) 2) Watch your emotions; turn the other cheek. Be under the control of the holy spirit. 3) PRAY for those who anger you. Give it to GOD!

Mike from Hempfield

On this day in 1785 John Hancock resigned as governor of Massachusetts; in 1845 Edger Allen Poe’s THE RAVEN was first published in NYC. In 1920 Walt Disney started work as an artist with KC Slide Co at $40 a week. Thomas Paine was born in 1737, William McKinley (25th president) was born in 1843. John D Rockefeller Jr was born in 1874 – and for those of you who don’t know, JD Rockefeller Jr – along with W A R Goodwin – were the minds and money behind the restoration of my beloved Colonial Williamsburg. SO happy to celebrate his birthday! W C Fields was born in 1880, Tom Selleck in 1945, and Oprah Winfrey in 1954. King George III (King during the American Revolution) died at age 81, Robert Frost at age 88 in 1963. Paul Newman married Joanne Woodward in 1958.

Financier and Philanthropist John D. Rockefeller Jr
Happy birthday, Mr. Rockefeller Jr.!!!

January 30

Tomorrow will be a long, busy day – so if I don’t post until Sunday don’t be alarmed! In the meantime, have a great Saturday and stay warm – SNOW is on the way! God bless …

This could have been taken at my uncle’s farm! So pretty!
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