January 28, 2021

Very cold! Worked in Jeannette, then on the way to Greensburg a section of Route 30 lost power. Couldn’t do anything except file, so have to finish on Monday. Went to Rosendahl’s to check out fridge – It’s a GE so I’m still not convinced. Bummer. My friend Ginny sent me pictures of her twin Poodles, Charlie and Gracie. They are getting bigger, and cute fur balls. Don’t ask me which is which.

Is it Mom? Dad? Is it snowing? Who’s that? Can we go out? What’s happening!
Charlie and Gracie. Or Gracie and Charlie. I don’t know….

Woodstock is sharing one of his favorite scriptures. I’m thankful for God’s love that never ends, and for the love of my dear family and friends! Makes life worth hanging on to.

Words to live by.

I will share Greg’s message from Vanderbilt. I lost my notes! First time EVER! But I can tell you that he talked about how we feel when someone we love and/or care about steps away from their committed faith. It tears us apart. And he talked about the LOST Chapter, Luke 15. Heaven rejoices – GOD rejoices! – when even one lost soul comes into the fold. He talked about losing the key to his wife’s car, and how upset he was (he HATES losing things!). He spent countless hours and DAYS searching every inch of his yard and house looking for the keys. He knew they had to be there because he drove the car home! He was in a horrid state when finally he found them. And he said if he was that determined and concerned over a key fob, how much more is Jesus when a soul is lost, then redeemed! All of heaven rejoices! We should be looking for lost souls as diligently as we look for something almost trivial that we have lost. Every single person is important. Every one.

Found the notes! Here is additional info on the sermon: Jesus drew attention – Pharisees, tax collectors, sinners, etc. But THEY didn’t change him!! He changed them. Value are revealed and Jesus seeks the lost. The pull of sin always is away from God and toward self. Lost sheep: Rejoice with me! Lost coin: God looks for us; he is searching for lost souls. Seek and save that which is lost is our priority. The two sons: The father let younger one go; but then RAN to welcome him home! Steps to redemption: 1) rebellion 2) response 3) regret 4) repentance 5) Rise above 6) return 7) restoration 8) REJOICE!

Greg from Vanderbilt

On this day in 1813 Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice was published, and in 1887 work began on the Eiffel Tower by Engineer and Architect Gustave Eiffel. Hmmm. Wonder how the Eiffel Tower got it’s name? In 1956 Elvis Presley first appeared on national TV, and in 1986 the space shuttle Challenger exploded 73 seconds after liftoff, killing all seven on board, including teacher Christa McAuliffe. Kelly was home from school sick that day (with Grama) and watched the entire day. She was very moved by the tragedy. Henry VIII died in 1547 at age 55 (could it have been all those WIVES???). Alan Alda (Mash fame) was born in 1936, and my friend Emily Spencer is celebrating a birthday today! Her mom Bitsy was a great friend and a wonderful mentor for my daughter Kelly – and we all still miss her. Emily is a sweet young woman and a true soldier in God’s army, and I wish her a wonderful day and many happy years! Happy birthday Emily!

Image may contain: 8 people, including Emily Spencer, people sitting, people standing, child, shoes and outdoor
Emily with her nieces and nephews
Image may contain: 2 people, including Emily Spencer, people smiling
Emily on the left, her mom Bitsy on the right!

TOMORROW January 29 is:

Almost the weekend! I’ll never be a big wig, but I can do puzzles and eat corn chips! Kelly is coming up tomorrow for the weekend and I’m excited to have her to myself! Have a great weekend. God Bless….

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