His Place February 2017

This past Friday night was our monthly meeting of the Care Club, a His Place ministry outreach for elementary school-age girls.  We always have a good time with the girls, with lessons, crafts, snacks, activities, ‘camp fire’ songs, and snacks.  Did I mention snacks???  We love our snacks!

February’s lesson was heart-themed, in keeping with Valentine’s day.  Kathy taught about Samuel going to Jesse’s house to anoint the new king that God had chosen to lead His people.  So many of Jesse’s sons paraded in front of Samuel, all strong and handsome and capable.  But God said no.  When all the sons had been passed over, Jesse admitted that his youngest son David was out in the fields with the sheep.  David was young and humble and inexperienced, but as soon as Samuel saw David, God spoke to him.  ‘People look on the outside appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart’.  David was anointed to be the next king. The Bible says that David was a man after God’s own heart.

The girls did a great job finding the characteristics that God would look at in our hearts, as opposed to our outside appearance.  Kindness, love, joy, patience, goodness, humility, sharing, honesty….  They wrote the words on hearts and added them to the huge heart with the above memory verse.

His Place.3 2-17After our snack 🙂 we took a little time with the girls one on one, and painted their fingernails.  God may look at our hearts and care about who we are, His Place 2-17but that doesn’t mean we cannot be neat and caring about our appearance. His Place.1 2-17We all had a good time, and the girls were very excited about their bright, shiny nails!  That, and their little fun packs of M&M’s!His Place.2 2-17

I know that God is using the girls to bless us and touch our hearts and spirits, and we can see a difference in these young girls as we study and share with them each month.  I am thankful for the opportunity, and the doors He has opened for all of us!

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