I’ll start this out by thanking Deb for the tip – she called to tell me that Aldi’s had restocked Oyster crackers! Stopped on the way home from Hanna’s Town and bought some. Thanks Deb!

I will devote this page to my sister on her birthday. Tomorrow I will post about the Holiday Family Day at Hanna’s Town.

A lot of people think Kath is older – just because she presents herself as mature and responsible, which she of course is. She went to college first; married first; had babies first. But I am actually 4 years her senior!

We had a lot of fun growing up together. We lived in a neighborhood where kids played outside, and all knew each other. It didn’t matter if our playmates were girls or boys. We just ganged up and had fun! The house that originally belonged to my paternal grandparents had two owners during our growing-up years, and both had girls about Kathy’s age. She was friends with Joanne and then Linda, and they played together day and night.

We would play board games, and put on plays for the neighbors (mostly the moms, as they were all stay-at-home), and more than anything we would ride bikes. We played sheriff and outlaw and knew our travel boundaries, and had a wonderful time together.

And of course a HUGE part of our childhood was spent at Grama’s house, or at the cabin. Home (PA) still draws our hearts – because of the sweet memories and also the close fellowship and blessings with our Skunk Hollow cousins!

Although she had an early onset of mischievousness (like drawing on my bedroom window screen with bright colored crayons, and using my Golden books to practice drawing and cutting), those were blessed and fun times! As we got to be older teens, we became not only sisters and playmates but best friends. And today, I don’t know what I would do without her — and I don’t ever want to find out!

Wishing a wonderful birthday to my wonderful sister. May your days, years, hours, and minutes be filled with God’s blessings of joy and health and happiness!!

Every birthday we dress up Suzie Squirrel and pass her back and forth. This year I found a picture of Kathy with her friends E-Anne and Susan and decided to duplicate it. I love this picture.

Happy birthday Kathy! (Original picture in bottom right)
Memory book – December 29th: Is there anything else that you would like me to know about MY childhood? “You were always ‘directing’ the neighbor kids in plays you either wrote yourself or adapting plays already written. You always took care of your books & things. When Kathy came along it was a challenge for you to keep them from being abused. We did our best!” Well, that just verifies my previous comments! Love you, Sis!

On this day in 1945 Texas became the 28th state. Andrew Johnson – 17th president – was born in 1808, and Mary Tyler Moore in 1936. And of course, Kathy is celebrating today. Happy birthday to my favorite sister EVER!!

TOMORROW December 30 is:
Bacon is good. I’ll do bacon! But tomorrow I will start putting the house back to rights. Have a great day and God bless!
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