When I woke up this morning, the sun was bright and shining. It was still fairly cold, but I bundled up and took a walk outside. It felt good to get some fresh air today.

After breakfast and a shower, I decided to use an unexpected extra day off to get a few groceries. I had already been to our Walmart and Aldi, so I headed to the North Huntingdon stores. While I was down there (grin) I stopped at Miller’s Crossing Fleatique. There were SO MANY NEW THINGS! It was a treat walking around and seeing everything. I did not, however, spend a penny! This was a ‘window shopping’ visit. I did, however, FIND a shiny new penny in the parking lot!

I still did not find two things on my grocery list. I will try again next week, because they were not urgent items. One was oyster crackers. Who knew that oyster crackers were on the endangered list? Last month it was decafe tea bags!

When I got home I had the last of my ham for lunch, and a cookie. I love ham, so I’ll miss it. And here is the picture I was telling you about that Kelly’s friend drew: A caricature of me as a Peanuts character, with Snoopy typing. She did a pretty good job!

Kelly txt me early this afternoon with the wonderful news that her vision was back to normal, and her eye surface looks good. No more appointments for a month! God is good, all the time. THAT is praiseworthy! Thanks for all of our prayer warriors out there.

My exciting task for this afternoon was to write out my thank you notes (finally!) and to update my Christmas card label list. Wow. Can’t get more exciting than that!

Just got a call from my ‘plumber’ contact – tomorrow or Thursday. I’m so excited!!!!! Maybe I can get started on a solution to this water issue after all!

I did walk around and snap a few pictures of some of my favorite decorations. Thursday I will start taking them down. It’s always a sad, sad day – but once I start, I’m driven to finish.

Memory book – December 28th: Is there anything else you would like me to know about your childhood? “I was always ‘busy.’ I liked to do things that kept me moving around. My older sister Hazel liked the work in the house. I liked to be out in the garden in the summer. My brother left me follow him around & I have always been glad I had him to teach me about nature, animals & sports.” So her love of flowers and gardening goes way back. Good to know!

On this day in 1065 Westminster Abbey was consecrated in London; in 1732 Benjamin Franklin began publication of Poor Richard’s Almanack. In 1832 John C Calhoun became the first vice-president to resign (differences with President Andrew Jackson), and in 1846 Iowa became the 29th state (Hey Drown family – this ones for you!!!). BRIGHT EYES (Shirley Temple) premiered in 1934, featuring the song ‘On the Good Ship Lollipop.’ And in 1975 the term ‘Hail Mary’ as used for a football play was born. In 1956 Elizabeth Montgomery (Samantha on Bewitched) married Gig Young – wonder if Gladys Kravitz was spying on THAT. And Natalie Wood married Robert Wagner in 1`957 – I’d have married him, too! Yum! They are my favorite all-time celebrity couple. Clayton Moore (Lone Ranger) died at age 85 in 1999; Debbie Reynolds (actress – Tammy & the Bachelor and Singin’ in the Rain) died in 2016 at age 84 – one day after her daughter Carrie Fisher passed away; and Dennis Wilson (Beach Boys) at age 39 in 1983. Woodrow Wilson – 28th president – was born in 1856, and my niece Sarah is celebrating a birthday today. She is a very busy young working wife and mother of two – Here’s to a fabulous day and a wonderful year, full of God’s blessings and happy days! Love you!

TOMORROW December 29 is:
Tomorrow is Holiday Family Day at Hanna’s Town, from 11am until 3pm. Lots of activities, crafts, and a special story time at 1pm. Be sure to stop out and be part of the fun. I plan to be there! God bless…

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