I decided to change the sheets this morning, as tomorrow we’ll have a time crunch to get on the road early. Beef day! Nate usually runs the show, and because his surgery was so much more severe than anticipated he won’t be able to go. He’s feeling really distressed about that but better to stay quiet and heal. He’s had a rough couple of days and he certainly don’t need to be around all that meat and people and sub-freezing weather!

We have eight people plus Jason so we should be able to accomplish things in a decent time. It’s always a blessing to be together and to reap the fruit of our labor! Don’t be alarmed if there is no post tomorrow. I’ll catch up on Sunday if I don’t have time tomorrow evening.

The scones did get baked, and the laundry done, and the brownies baked and iced. I even had time to run out and grab the last few things I need to tonight and tomorrow.

Now I’m waiting for Kelly and Peyton to come up and we’ll make supper. Peyton requested sliders and wants the left-overs for breakfast!

My phone rang last night at about 7pm, and when I saw Ron’s name on the screen I just knew it was bad news. Unfortunately it was. Ron’s Auntie D (Aunt Darlene) passed away and he was kind enough to call and tell me. Auntie D and I stayed in touch for the most part and met for lunch every few months. I hadn’t heard from her since before Christmas but had seen a few posts on facebook. She loved beautiful, calming scenery pictures like this one:

Auntie D was indeed one of the biggest fans of my writing, and was the first and most enthusiastic promoter of LETTERS TO MARY when it came out. She and Ellen Smail tied for how many books they sold for me! She sold books to people she never even met before! She was lively and happy and loved food – and was on first-name basis with the servers (and sometimes the owners!) of her favorite restaurants, like Pizza Siena, New City Buffet, and even Lapp Family Market in Latrobe. She would email me their weekly specials.

According to Ron there won’t be any servies or announcements, as per her request. It will feel like things were left unfinished, but that was the way she wanted it. She called me ‘Margie-girl’ and got the greatest joy of sharing all sorts of things, including bright colored four-inch paper clips! I think I have half a dozen! Her favorite thing to share was the little travel bottles of hand sanitizer. I will miss our lunches and chats and her unique outlook on life and relationships. It really feels sad that she is gone. I’ll miss you, Aunt Darlene!

PEANUTS POST – and scripture conbined.

Fun things to do in Texas:
Boquillas Canyon
Wild Basin Wilderness Preserve
Quotes about Missing Someone:

Top song of 1976: Don’t Go Breaking my Heart by Elton John and Kiki Dee

TOMORROW February 4th is:
Ice Cream for Breakfast Day; National Thank a Mail Carrier Day; National Play Outside Day; National Homemade Soup Day; National Create a Vacuum Day; National Hemp Day.
I like ice cream for breakfast! But it will be way too cold to play outside. I think we’re having homemade soup at Beef Day (ironically, chicken noodle!). And we live in HEMPfield Township so we’re set. Hug someone you love – you never know what tomorrow will bring. God bless…
Thanks for posting about Auntie D, Marge. She was the last of my Dad’s brothers and sisters. She was also one-in-a-million. A very fun-loving and energetic woman, before and after her kidney transplant.
I remember one night when we were in our twenties and single. She and one of her girl friends knocked on my door. When I opened it, she said,
If anyone asks, we were here.” They turned around and left before I could ask any questions. To this day, I have no idea what that was about!
That’s a cute story, Ron. I can almost imagine what they were up to! I’m sure she’s giving St. Peter and the apostles a run for their wings! I’ll miss her, too…