I will share stories and pictures of Beef Day tomorrow. It’s late and we had a full day. I’ll catch you up and then get some rest.
The day started a little after midnight, actually, when I got a txt from Kathy. She had a kidney stone and was on her way to the E.R. Good grief, Charlie Brown! It was hard getting back to sleep, concerned for Kathy, concerned for Nate, and concerned that we were down two strong workers for Beef Day! But God always knows best….

Within the next twelve hours, I got updates on Kath that she was in ICU, because of a kidney infection (in addition to the stones) and a more serious infection. It’s very concerning and we would all appreciate prayers on her behalf. She promised to call me tomorrow so we can chat phone to phone.

Nate was home trying to get rest and increase his healing capabilities when he heard a loud pop. He looked out the window to see that their above ground pool had sprung a leak in the liner (it only had about 10 inches of water in it) but water was surging out and down the hill. The liner was old and they have a new one already for spring, but by the time he made certain the water hadn’t damaged anything he was pretty worn out and aching.

I’m thankful at this point that everyone and everything is fine and that Kelly & Peyton made it home safe and sound after a long day. We all need some sleep! Stay tuned tomorrow for Beef Day!
Fun things to do in Texas:

Quote about praying for healing:


Top song of 1977: Margaritaville by Jimmy Buffett
TOMORROW February 5th is:
National Shower with a Friend Day; National Weatherpersons Day; World Nutella Day.
Nope to Shower with a Friend. Weatherpersons can’t read God’s mind. And I don’t like Nutella. I’ll eat the chocolate covered peanuts I bought from Donna’s store. Have a great day! God bless…
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