There were so many little things to do first thing Wednesday morning. Felt like I was all over the house from one chore to the next. I didn’t even start cleaning until almost 1pm! But before I move past yesterday, here are two photos I didn’t include in our Groundhog Day tribute. One is my little collection that resides on the ladder all the time. The second is one that Diane sent me last thing – long after I had posted.

There’s not too much exciting about cleaning the house, so I’ll just share some things from the last few days. Chrissy finally sent me a picture of her bed with her new comforter set. She’s very excited. She also sent a pic of her salt rock lamp (Elephant) which is her ‘favorite thing’ in her room! It’s her little haven.

I was talking to Teresa on the phone, and she sent me pics of paper heart garlands that she made for her grandkids. I love them. So bright and festive!

When I finally took the trash up to the road and then got the mail (which went directly into the trash!!!), it was past dark. As I walked back down, I could see Torilyn’s tree glowing through the window in their bedroom (she is my 14 year old neighbor). It looked so pretty and cheerful glowing in the dark night! A little festive in a dirty-snow winter.

Today, Thursday, work was light. The weather wasn’t! It was foggy and rainy and miserable. Thankfully it stayed warm enough so no ice or snow yet. We will see what tomorrow brings. But after lunch I made a huge pot of stuffed pepper soup. It was a good day to do that as it made the house smell warm and inviting all day. I picked Chris up from the old bus stop and drove her home, and when we passed the trailer we saw a ring neck walking around in the yard! I couldn’t believe that neither Chris nor her friend Hope even knew what a ring neck was!

I didn’t go inside when I dropped her off, but Nate sent me photos. They were installing a security door so that the cats and dog would not accidently slip out the door. It’s a new house and a new neighborhood. They got a lot done today.

February 3 – Share a memory about a weather-related school cancellation. “School was never cancelled because we all walked to school. It was impossible to get word to the students as very few had telephones or radios. We were dismissed early on bad snow days so we could get home before it got any worse. The COLD was the biggest concern.”

Yesterday’s vacation destination was Palm Springs, and the picture posted was a bike trail overlooking the city. Things to do and see are San Andreas Fault bike tours, Indian Canyons, Joshua Tree National Park, Tennis, Golf, Spas, Escape rooms (there are several!), windmill tours, French cooking class, Mountain sunrise hikes, scavenger hikes, rock climbing, Earthquake canyon, shopping, desert Oasis.

Calendar inspiration – Fun is not any particular activity but rather a joyful attitude that transforms everything you do in your day.

Quote –

Scripture – The reason I chose this scripture today was by Max’s influence in Sunday School. Our lesson was of Jesus teaching us to humble ourselves and be kind. Immediately Max chirped up and quoted this entire passage by heart, complete with scripture reference. That may not seem overly impressive; but Max is either 4 or 5 years old. Puts us to shame!!!
Vacation Destination –

TOMORROW February 4 is:
- National Create a Vacuum day
- National Hemp Day
- National Homemade Soup Day
- National Thank a Mail Carrier Day
- National Wear Red Day
- Bubble Gum Day
I believe Friday will be the kind of day that I CAN wear red and eat homemade soup. As we live in HEMPfield Township that’s an easy celebration. No bubble gum for THESE teeth! Have a happy day, and God Bless…
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