February 3, 2021

Left the house at 6:45am to head to Kelly’s. She had a small surgery scheduled on her nose (last of the skin cancer, hopefully!) and needed someone to stay with the boys while Matt took her. Please pray for her quick healing – the stitches are rather uncomfortable across her nose! Ruth Ann planned to stay with the boys, but they scheduled a medical test for her and she couldn’t be there. As it had snowed Tuesday night, I had to clear part of the driveway in the dark so I could get out. None of the roads were touched until I reached Route 119, but then everything was clean. Kelly & Matt left when I got there, as did Ruth Ann.

Ruth Ann was not to drive for 12 hours after her test, so Peyton and I went and picked her up at noon. I made food for the boys upon request, and did a few small chores for Kelly inside the house. I was going to take a walk down to the creek by the covered bridge, but it was 27* and wind chill was like 13* and I was not tramping in the deep snow down to the water. Peyton was going to drive me down in his side-by-side but a wire came off. By the time he fixed it, dusk had set and I was heading out, and the prime daylight for photos was gone.

Chase in the snow – how can he even see with that long hair????
Tracks in the snow – down over the hill
Logan and Peyton with their sleds – in the cold!

On our trip to get Ruth Ann, Peyton took me down an old street, and I took a picture of a really neat looking church. I was sitting in traffic so it was hard to capture. When we got home, the boys decided to sled ride so I went out just long enough to take some photos. They didn’t stay out long! Once Kelly and Matt were home and settled, Matt took Peyton to youth group, Ruth Ann was resting in her room watching TV, and Kelly and the younger boys were watching Star Wars. I headed out, but right after I crossed the covered bridge I saw these guys munching on the tall grasses by the creek. Got home a little after 7pm, glad to be here but missing my family already!

Old church on the back streets
First deer
Deer #2 and #3

Today I will share Steve’s message from Maplewood. It’s so good to have him back and be listening to his messages again! It was JARS OF CLAY. We are treasures from God – it’s not the jar, but what’s in it. It’s not the messenger, it’s the message. We are jars of clay; inside of us is the message of God that we share with others, which is very important. We need to live out the message of the life and death of Jesus. We are going through distress, being crushed. Our jar may crash and crack, but that does not devalue the message. Our worth is priceless and will bring life to others. You don’t suffer in vain – the treasure within you is working out all things for good. Don’t fear or despair – God is at work in us!

Steve from Maplewood – so glad he’s healthy and back in the pulpit!

On this day in 1864 Samuel Clemens first used the pen name Mark Twain. In 1882 P T Barnum bought his world famous elephant, Jumbo. In 1951 The Victor Borge Show premiered on TV – he was such a funny guy! – and in 1959 The “Day the Music Died”: Buddy Holly died in a plane crash at age 22. Johannes Gutenberg (invented the movable printing press) died at age 70 in 1468, and Woodrow Wilson – 28th president – died at age 67 in 1924. Ferdinand Magellan was born in 1480, and Elizabeth Blackwell in 1821 (She was the first woman to receive a medical degree in the US). Pretty Boy Floyd (Gangster and FBI most-wanted criminal) was born in 1904, and George Nissen (created the trampoline) was born in 1914. Two of my friends are having birthdays today. First, Maggie Susa from church. She is currently in college (I think Chatham in Pittsburgh) and is editor for their school newspaper. So I have a great respect for that and am excited for her! The other person is Claudia Winter, a friend I met through volunteering at Hanna’s Town. We worked on several projects together, and I so enjoyed doing that! I am anxious for things to open up again so we can get back to planning special events! Happy birthday, ladies! Enjoy!!!

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Claudia Winter
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Maggie Susa
Singer-songwriter Buddy Holly
Buddy Holly
Comedian and Pianist Victor Borge
Victor Borge – Comedian and Pianist

TOMORROW February 4 is:

It was a long day, and started out a bit tense with the snow and covered roads. But I loved spending the day with the boys, and regretted having to come home. Hopefully I’ll have another day with them soon! God bless…

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