February 2, 2021

It really was groundhog day – same start as yesterday! I bundled up and shoveled the driveway, decks, and walkways. I think we’re good for a couple of days; no more snow in the forecast. I spent most of the day in the kitchen, my least favorite room, in fact. I made stuffed pepper soup and also a batch of meatballs to freeze. Kelly txt and asked me to help out with the boys tomorrow, so I’ll head out and spend the day there very early in the morning. Double glad there is no snow in the forecast!

Method to my shoveling madness – divide and conquer!
Almost done!
Stuffed Pepper Soup

The first mention of Groundhog day was on February 2, 1840, Pennsylvania Dutch Country journal, but the first time it is officially celebrated at Gobbler’s Knob in Punxy is on February 2, 1887. Just thought you might like to know that.

Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow: 6 more weeks of winter expected
Punxsutawney Phil

Today I will share Scott’s message from First Baptist. Bram has been hoping to take a step backing from fulltime preaching, and as of January 31st he can do that. The church has called Scott Jones and his family to be Senior Pastor at the church. His message was GROWING UP – The Lord molds and shapes us to make us more useful. The older we are the younger we grow! Traits of a mature Christian are: Be humble, be gentle, be patient, and keep unity of Spirit. Humble: Evaluate yourself, lift each other up. No one is more important than the other, regardless of your ‘gift’. Gentle: Value each others gifts, avoid harshness and violence. Patience: give each other time to grow. See those around you as who God is making them to be, not as they are now. Unity – make every EFFORT – it’s not easy! We are one body together. You can always find fault, but each of our gifts are essential. Serve others – together! Grow up! We are all important.

Scott Jones – new Senior Pastor of First Baptist of Greensburg

On this day is 1653 New Amsterdam became a city, which was renamed New York. In 1975 Dorothy Hamill won the US Female Figure Skating Championship. Boris Karloff died in 1969 at age 81, and Gene Kelly (Singin’ in the Rain fame!) died in 1996 at age 83. In 1957 Elizabeth Taylor’s 3rd marriage was to Mike Todd, and in 1985 O J Simpson married Nicole Brown, who was murdered in 1994. James Joyce was born in 1882, and Farrah Fawcett in 1947. Two friends are celebrating birthdays today. My dear friend Diane’s youngest daughter, Shannon, has a birthday. Shannon loves Halloween and Unicorns – and taking nature photos on her numerous hikes! And my country cousin Danny Cornman celebrates with the groundhog, as well! He lives in a treehouse that he built himself, and loves his dog! Happy birthday to Shannon and Danny!

Actor and Dancer Gene Kelly
Gene Kelly

TOMORROW February 3 is:

Autmn just txt me to remind me that TODAY is National Tater Tot Day – she must have had them for supper! It WAS on yesterday’s list…. So don’t forget to have carrot cake tomorrow! Yum! God bless…

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