Rainy Thursday – and it did rain very hard a few times. I scrapped the idea of running any errands and came home after work. I started in Jeannette and did the deals there. I was really proud of them, because they did an out of state deal all by themselves. I don’t think there is a title clerk in the state of PA (or maybe ANY state) that likes the paperwork process for vehicles sold to out of state customers. But they handled the entire transaction correctly and didn’t even have to call me! Good job!

I stopped at Mike P’s as he had 2 deals for me, then went to Greensburg. They just had a few stragglers that I finished up, then stopped to see Mike G. He works at Smail Mercedes, and when I was there I saw Karl. He told me they were talking about me last week (he’s married to one of the owners’ daughters) and that there was a hole left when I retired that could never be filled. That was so nice of him to say. I appreciated hearing that.

with Jim Smail (his father-in-law) back left, and two sons in front.
But Mike said his dad is doing much better, and getting lots of rehab for standing and sitting and walking. I’m glad to hear he is improving.
When I got home I decided a rainy day was a good day to put a roast in the oven – the house really has a wonderful aroma! And I’m sure it will taste wonderful, too, once it’s cooked.
I also decided to make chocolate chip cookies, and Gen, I agree with you that using butter instead of oleo to bake with does make a difference. But the cookies were still good – just not as tasty as last time when I used butter. They are now tucked neatly away in the freezer.

I had just started making the cookies when Nate txt me to pick up Chrissy at the bus stop as they were tied up at work. I rushed out the door, leaving my phone at the house. I was only going 5 minutes away so I wasn’t concerned. But by the time I got back I had missed several txts, one of which was to pick up some items that my friend had for me. This had been pre-arranged with an uncertain exact time – but as soon as Nate picked up Chrissy, I jumped back in the car and drove into Greensburg and picked up designated items! So it was sort of a busy afternoon. I’m glad to be done with everything except supper. That will come after this.
Chrissy and Autmn and their little group had a great time at the concert last night. After the show they were in the lobby and Yungblud (I don’t know his music but the girls were ecstatic!) came out and got some pictures taken with the fans. He is on the right, with Chrissy and then Autmn going left. Then I think Chrissy’s friend. Chrissy said it was the best night ever! I’m so glad that they had a good time. Can’t imagine being so close to the star!

February 17 – Tell about your first favorite TV shows. “I was married when we bought our first TV. It was a big piece of furniture but only had a 7 1/2 inch screen. Ed Sullivan & Toast of the Town was the best show back then in 1949. “I Love Lucy” was a show I tried to never miss. The picture was so dim you couldn’t view it during the day. Not much on back then in the daytime hours.”

Kelly’s vacation destination suggestion was Wales, and the picture posted was Hey on Wye. Just a few of the things to do in Wales: National botanical gardens, Dylan Thomas (literary ‘son’) birthplace, Tintern Abbey monastic ruins, Mumbles seafront, Lovespoon Gallery (traditional spoon carving), Cardigan Bay, Barfundle Bay, coal Museum, Lake Vyrnwy, Gower Peninsula, Bodnant Hall, South Stark Lighthouse, coasteering, food, snorkeling, castles, coastlines, fishing, boating, traditional food.

Calendar Inspiration – We all need something special to look forward to; with faith and confidence aim for your chosen goal.

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation destination –

But where is it?
TOMORROW February 18 is:
- National Battery Day
- National Crab Stuffed Flounder Day
- National Drink Wine Day
- No One Eats Alone Day
- National Caregivers Day
Lots to celebrate tomorrow – but I can assure you that I do often eat alone. I don’t even think about it! So go find a food buddy and have a great day! God bless…
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