Last night I ushered again for Bear – he did not attend, which I knew ahead of time. Did see a friend from school – we went through all twelve grades together! She was helping to usher. We started talking about our 55th class reunion (next year; 2023!) and I offered to help. So once they start focusing on the plans she’ll call or email me. Gwen and I were even in the same Brownie and Girl Scout troops. It was fun to see her. I snapped a picture of the cast rehearsing before they opened the doors.

The courthouse was blue last night – not sure what it represents but it was beautiful in the clear evening darkness!

Arrived at church this morning to no power. Apparently a pole was knocked crooked and they didn’t expect power to resume until after 11am. Everyone pitched in and set up chairs in the Welcome Center so we could have Sunday School and church service. JUST got everything organized and the power came on! Happy problem! But our classroom, which is downstairs, was very cold. We brought our three students up into the youth section and had class there.

We had a special guest speaker this morning – Rob Grandi. He is such a good singer and preacher. His message was ‘God of Second Chances’. He had SO MANY great points. If you want to hear a good message and his gift of a song go to Hempfield Church of Christ facebook page. One of the things I liked was his reference to A Christmas Carol – Scrooge definitely got a second chance. And these are the three questions he asked; we should ask them, as well. God forgets our past if we ask him to; And if you say you are sorry for doing something again, he’ll say he never knew you even did it before! We should be celebrating our freedom of forgiveness.

When I went to my car after church, there was a surprise treat from Deb! A little Valentine: Homemade soup, two muffins, and iced sugar cookies. I had half the soup for lunch, and a cookie for dessert. The muffins will be tomorrow’s breakfast after the dentist. Thanks so much, Deb!! Everyone need a ‘Deb’ in their life. My sweet ‘Violet’ cousin!

My plastic pink butterfly shower curtain over the closet in the garage was ripped and coming down. I stopped on the way home and found an unexpected treasure for almost no cost! And it has STARS on it! Big change for almost no investment, time or money!

On the way home there was a white bathroom cabinet sitting beside the road. Almost new! I brought it home, and I think Jen is going to use it for supplies at the rescue. I love saving things!

Kelly wanted me to check out L&L Fleatique for small pieces of furniture for their Church’s new gym bathrooms – storage and supplies, etc. So I snapped about 20 photos and kept sending her descriptions and costs. I think she’s coming up Tuesday to go down and check them out. I doubt they will be sold as they were closing when I left, and aren’t open Mondays.

February 13 – Tell about a special valentine you once gave. “I gave a Valentine to my favorite teacher when I was in 5th grade. I had a crush on him.” Seems like Mom had an eye for the guys!!!

Yesterday’s vacation destination was New Mexico, and the photo posted was the Carlsbad Caverns National Park. Just a few things in New Mexico are Gila Cliff Dwelling National Monument, artist colonies, Rio Grande Gorge, mountains, rafting, hiking, camping, ballooning, fishing, rock-climbing, skiing, snow-boarding, tubing, Aztec ruins, International UFO Museum, Historic districts, lakes, waterfalls.

Snoopy has the calendar inspiration for today. And just for the record, today is the anniversary of Charles Schulz’s death. He has been missed!

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation destination –

TOMORROW February 14 is:
- National Cream-Filled Chocolates Day
- National Ferris Wheel Day
- National Organ Donor Day
- Valentine’s Day
- National Football Hangover Day
- National Clean Out Your Computer Day
Hope you took a second, ladies, to appreciate your female friends! Tomorrow, celebrate love! GOD is love!!! God bless YOU!!!
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