I had a lot of chores to work on today – including laundry, scrubbing the closet floor, restacking boxes, emptying out both freezers, and making a trip to Nate’s with the food. I picked up Chrissy from the bus stop and took her over with me.

After getting rid of so much stuff the closet really looks neat and organized. I’m very pleased.

I had to move the recliner so the old freezer would fit out the door, and found it not a bit surprising that there was a goldfish under it…

The new freezer looks great in the laundry room and I’m so pleased. It really opens it up nicely.

There was a contest today at the school, and Chrissy and her friend Hope won second place – Twin day or something? They dressed as Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly. Chrissy is on the right. How fun is that??

I promised Bear I would usher for him tonight – the play is RENT – which I’ve never heard of. I don’t mind ushering…

While I was going through boxes last night I found an old newspaper with a picture of my friend Diane’s daughter Lori, who distinguished herself (back in 1989) in the Air Force. I remember the day Diane called me about that! She was very proud and excited!

February 11 – Who was your first boyfriend? “Billy Wilson – in 2nd grade at Davis School.”

Yesterday’s vacation destination was Australia – photo posted was the great barrier reef. Some of the other things to do and see are Outdoor Markets, architecture, theaters, beaches, Sydney Opera House, Bondi Beaches, Harbour Bridge, Museums and galleries, Waterfronts, Cage of Death crocodile enclosure. Piers, Wildlife dome, rainforests, hiking, Lagoons, Bungy-jumping, shopping, desert landscapes, kangaroo sanctuary, Skyrail Cableway, Fraser Island. Also visit Keith Urban while you are there – and his wife, Nicole Kidman!

Calendar inspirations is that a favorite activity can’t always be shared. Enjoy doing whatever you love best.

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation Destination –

TOMORROW February 12 is:
TOMORROW — is a brand new day with no mistakes in it! That’s a quote from Anne Shirley (Anne of Green Gables). I’m hoping to keep it that way! God bless…
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