Camp reunion

On Saturday July 23rd, we had an all-camp reunion at Camp Christian. camp.4 7-16 This place – as the sign says – is truly set apart; a place where kids and staff came together to live God. According to camp records, the land was purchased in 1941 and was open to campers in 1942.

Driving through the stone pillarsCamp.3 7-16 at the entrance always felt like going into another world.  A week (or maybe just a day(s) for the younger ones) at camp meant you never knew what was going to happen; what adventures you were going to have, what spiritual journey you would embark on, what life-changing moments you would experience.  I remember by name some of the early campers and staff, many of whom I never saw after that week, and many whom I still call friends to this day.

The pool was such a huge part of camp life, and a favorite part.Camp 7-16  And although it wasn’t an entirely spiritual part, the best parts were the baptisms in the pool at the end of the week. My son was baptized in the camp pool, along with his best friend.

In those old days, the boys dorm was above the rec center, and the girls were in a circle of cabins that had a no-boys policy except for prayer circles around the flag pole. camp.6 7-16 That is not to say that the boys didn’t occasionally wander in there, to the feigned indigence of the girls!camp.7 7-16 Now there are two huge dorms up near the ball fields; House of Eve, and House of Adam.  Still a no-boys policy past the House of Adam.  OF COURSE it’s strictly adhered to!

The old white clapboard chapel has long since disappeared, replaced by the newer, larger, all-purpose 7-16  Camp.1 7-16The original Mill House – back before camp was CAMP – was replaced several years ago by a modern facility that easily houses staff and serves as the kitchen, dining room, and camp 7-16

A lot about the campus has changed, but really, nothing has changed.  It’s still a place set apart; a place where campers and staff come together to live God.  The programs and buildings may be altered, but God has remained steadfast and remained the center of camp since the first campers set foot in the dorms.

camp.2 7-16I have great memories of my weeks of camp, and my kids and grandkids have been part of that place set apart.  My nephew and his wife just took their son up for his camp week after church today.  I know Isaac will have a great time and come home with a renewed relationship with God, and a closer bond with those he spent the week with.

And a huge thanks to all those who have made it their ministry to support camp – and live God!


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