
snow 1-16We have definitely had a winter adventure tonight!  I’ll admit that it wasn’t (or isn’t) really a blizzard, but we are certainly dealing with some snow.  This is probably the first significant snow we have had this season.

Predictions were crazy from one end of the scale to the other.  Someone posted on facebook that the forecast was a possible 1 inch to 2 feet.  I guess we’ll know when we know.  It started to get a little dicey just before I left work, and the roads were not clear;  traffic was tangled and there were cars everywhere.  Part way home I noticed my ‘door ajar’ light on.  Now how had that happened?  I obviously couldn’t stop on Route 30, so I waited until I got off the West Newton Street ramp and pulled over.  The back hatch was not secure.  I had tried to open it before I left work, but as the doors were locked I didn’t get it.  But I guess I DID get it open; thankfully it stayed closed until I got it tight again.

I was glad to pull into my garage, and thankful I didn’t have to go back out.  I called Nate to see if Chrissy was coming over.  I didn’t want to drive and I suspected he didn’t either.  I got my answer about 20 minutes later.  They were on their way:  WALKING!!  It’s not as bad as it sounds; his place is 1.27 miles as the crow flies.  So they bundled up on their end, I bundled on mine, and met them part way.  We gave hugs all around in the middle of St. John’s Church Road, then parted ways. Once at my house, Chris stood near the heater to warm up, then had a chocolate chip cookie.  That, my friends, cures all ills, including the chills!!!

We waited until a little after 8pm then bundled up again.  This time with more layers as we would be out longer.  It’s so much easier to clear the driveway and walks a little at a time, and there was already several inches, drifted higher in spots.  Immediately Chrissy grabbed her snow saucer and went flying down the driveway.  I must say, the sled traveled well, and she was laughing with delight.  So I shoveled, she sledded, and I had to do some fancy steps to avoid the flying granddaughter down my driveway!  I regret to say that she made quite a solid path.  I’m hoping that by the time I have to get the Mazda out we’ll have enough tread to make it to the top! 

SNOW.1 1-16Once Chrissy was completely tired of thoroughly packing down the snow on the driveway, she chucked the sled and declared she was going in.  My admonishment to put the sled away, pick up the discarded scarf and hat, and throw her wet clothes in the dryer, was short lived.  The next thing I know she was outside in her sock feet, flying on the sled down the drive again!  Oh, brother.

She grabbed her boots and gloves again – -plus the extra shovel – and challenged me to a race.  She’s strong and quick and her side was cleared before mine was.  I could say my side was wider, I could say I’m older than she is, I could say her shovel was bigger.  But, she beat me.  I finished the sidewalk while she threw herself in the yard to make a snow angel, one glove totally missing — but that hand wasn’t cold.  ???  We put everything away, closed up the garage, and got Chris into a warm shower.  She is now eating ANOTHER chocolate chip cookie, this time as a reward for a fun adventure in the snow. 

I’m pretty sure we’ll have to do this all again in the morning.  But don’t worry, Daddy.  We do have both gloves.  You can relax!!! 🙂

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