August 8, 2022

On this date in 1991 the kids’ father – Stoney Burke – passed away suddenly and unexpectedly. They were 9 and 13. It’s hard to believe he has been gone that long. — But, on with today!

Stone and I when we were dating

I went to work this morning and Logan called when he was awake. I talked him through breakfast and he was eating when I got home – Chocolate Chip waffles. I ate a sandwich, then he went about playing his games and I went outside to do some chores. Got the foundation touched up (painted) where the driveway guy splashed tar on it. I was not happy. I plan to call them but I also plan to be very cordial. While I had the paint out I touched up the outside window sill where the bird scratched it up. Then I weed-whacked the whole yard!

Logan’s breakfast

By the time I had the laundry done and clothes folded, Logan was ready to go on our first mission. We went to the mall, and he got new shoes. I bought a few bagels at Panera Bread, then we ate at Chick Fil-A. We stopped at Walmart to get Logan’s food choices for the week, which were bagel pizza bites, Oreo Ice Cream, soft cookie Oreos, Mango Pepsi, and York Peppermint Patties. That should hold him for a few days, anyway!

Oreo Cookie Scoopable Ice Cream Dessert, Tub, 48 oz
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In the mail today I got a package from Gen. She sent me a vintage bonnet, an historic document reproduction of Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, and a book called Letters to Lanah, which is actual Civil War Letters transcribed. What a sweet surprise!

My surprise package

So — back to Saturday’s Dan Rice Days. Here are a few pictures of the parade. It was fairly long so I just did a few random ones.

GiGi posing with Dan Rice
Very antique truck
Antique tractor – there was an entire section of old and new tractors
The entire high school marching band
Vintage hearse from funeral home

Then we toured the houses. The Yellow House is my favorite because it is authentic to the mid-1800’s. The White House looks exactly like it did when Charlotte Battles lived there until 1952. She left the house to her long-time companion, who eventually donated it to the Historical Society. It’s more 20th century but still beautiful. I could live there!

Upper and front view
Front and lower view
Yellow House parlor
The White House
Teresa and GiGi in front of bird house
GiGi makes friends everywhere.
Charlotte’s bedroom as a child
Her little boots
Her bedroom as an adult – she loved to travel!
Beautiful staircase
Charlotte as a young lady

Tomorrow I will share about the stop at the farm!

The farm – 2017

August 8 – Share an experience about poison ivy or poison weed. “It was when I was about 12 years old. I got it on my legs & then on my arms & finally on my face. My eyes swelled shut. I bathed it with soda water & put a paste of soda & flour over the rash to keep the itch under control.” I hate having poison ivy! Truly miserable!

Calendar Inspiration – A good life is often a simply life.

Quote –

25 Simple Living Quotes to Inspire you to Declutter & Simplify your Life! -  Simple Lionheart Life

Scripture –

Proverbs 15:16 A simple life in the Fear-of-GOD is better than a rich life  with a ton of headaches. | The Message (MSG) | Download The Bible App Now

Random photo –

Me with my newly released book!

TOMORROW August 9th is:

Book lovers! That’s me for sure. But no rice pudding. Read a book and have a great day. God bless…

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