August 7, 2022

So I think I am going to write this post for today backwards. I’ll start with church this morning. Last week I posted that we had a trial sermon by a guest minister to be considered as a senior pastor for our church. Today the congregation voted to extend the invitation for him to come to HCC. It will take a ‘process’ to extend the invitation, and then if he accepts for him to make arrangements. One step at a time! I’m excited to see what will happen, and praying for God to place the right person with us in His time!

Todd Payton

After church I went to Jen’s Ninth Life Rescue volunteer picnic at Park and Pool pavilion. She always has a nice event, and of course the primary color is purple so that’s fun! The food was good and I got to see several of the people that I have crossed paths with. In addition, got to spend a little time with Nate, and with Dave and Hannah. Of course, with Nate and Jen, and Chrissy came with her mom, Lori – plus Lori’s boyfriend Jack and Jack’s son. Also, Chrissy’s friend Hope. So it was a nice event! Their friend Amy made the BEST chocolate chip cookies…

I knew it was the right pavilion – purple!
Jen – the queen of cats!
Nate, Dave and Hannah
Hope, Chrissy, Nate
Jen, Chrissy, Nate

When I left there, I saw a family of deer – a mom and 2 older fawns – by the side of the road. By the time I got my phone out, just the fawn was left, munching on some leaves!

Fawn having lunch

Kelly brought Logan up to spend the week, and she spent the afternoon and then had supper with us. So now, Logan and I are on our own. Whatever kind of mischief will we get into?

Watching ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ –
Is he staying a MONTH? That’s a big suitcase!

So now, I’ll go back to yesterday and cover a little bit at a time. Yesterday morning’s sunrise (very early) was beautiful, but of course Red Sky in the morning…. But by the time we were past the half-way mark up I-79 the sky was bright blue with puffy white clouds. We always called that a Presque Isle Sky, because when we spent time there it seemed the sky always looked exactly like that!

Early sunrise…
…on Pano setting
Presque Isle sky

Teresa used her phone’s GPS to get us around the bridge closure into Girard, which turned out not to be closed! But we did fine. The slightly disappointing things were that there were considerably less craft booths, and the two vendors I hoped to see (and purchase from!) were not there! BUT – that means I saved money!

This is a rendering of the new teardrop roundabouts at the Girard interchange of Interstate 90 in Girard.
Erie Times photo

We arrived in Girard well before the parade was scheduled, and found a convenient place to park. We set our chairs up right in front of the judge’s stage and had a good view and could clearly hear all the comments about the entrants. I was excited to see that the Grand Marshal was Stephanie Wincik. We’ve been long-distance friends for probably 30 years! She always led the history walks and the ghost walks through Girard on Friday and Saturday nights. I was excited that she was honored in such a way for her dedication and devotion to the history of Erie County.

We were right across from the judge’s stand.
Still a beautiful sky!
My friend and Grand Marshal Stephanie Wincik

After the parade we drove up to the Battles (last name) houses, both from around the mid-1800’s. I overheard from a docent that they are turning the second floor for the Yellow House into a B&B! So that’s exciting – wonder if I’ll ever get back up to stay there?

Battles – Yellow House

Since the house tours did not begin until 1pm, we ate a quick picnic then took an ‘interpretive’ hike thought the woods. It was much cooler and very well marked – Teresa, GiGi and I all enjoyed a leisurely walk on the paths, reading the signs.

House tour schedule for Saturday
Path above a ravine
One of the many interpretive signs
Teresa and GiGi taking the lead

So, tomorrow I’ll post the photos from the parade and then the photos from inside both the Yellow House and the White House. AND — stopping at the farm!

Dan Rice – aka Uncle Sam

August 7 – Did your mom or dad have a favorite remedy for what ailed you? “My dad wished he could have been a doctor so he had a remedy for ALL our ailments. We had a TINY little pill called ‘Pleasant Pellet Pills’. We took many, many of them. He thought it would cure all our stomach problems.” Mom always loved medicine, too!

Calendar inspiration – When was the last time you slowed down to actually feel time passing, moment by moment? Try it!

Quote –

Quotes to Live By: Slow Down to Get More Done - Scott Sery

Scripture –

Random photo –

Me with ‘Dan Rice’ – 2014

TOMORROW August 8th is:

Around here no one sneaks zucchini. They come right up, ring your doorbell, and hand you several – along with tomatoes! I love it! Lots to celebrate tomorrow. Pick your favorite! God bless…

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