August 29, 2022

Kelly called about 9am saying she was on her way with the 2 boys. I was just setting things up, and decided that instead of being outside in the pounding heat (no shade in the back at all) we would set up in the garage. I had a nice fan, two tables, comfy chairs, and got all the pans and bowls and knives ready. By the time they arrived I had about 8 ears of corn husked!

Small pile of corn.

We decided to do one task at a time, so we husked everything and carried it upstairs in clothes baskets. We set the water to boiling, then got the boys lunch. Kelly and I had corn and a slider left over from Bingo. Once all the corn was cooked and soaking in cold water, we took a little at a time and de-corned the cobs. Is that a word? Kelly did the initial cutting and I scraped the cobs. We kept the bowls in the freezer until we were completely finished, then made sure everything was mixed well.

Transporting corn in clothes baskets a little a time. It can get heavy!
Boiling the corn. Logan found a tiny cob. Insisted we cook it. He ate it!
Cooling down the corn. In the cooler, and …
…in the sink.
Kelly cutting the corn off the cobs.
Mixing everything together well.

We both worked at putting the corn in little bags and got them in trays in the freezer. They should be frozen enough tomorrow when they leave to get her safely home. After we cleaned up – she did dishes and I wiped everything in the garage and hosed it down – we popped over to Gabes and Walmart. Successful at Gabes, not so much at Walmart. She bought a back-pack purse at Gabes and I did NOT (well, maybe I did) buy a Christmas blanket…

Probably around 45 or 50 small packages
The blanket I probably, maybe did or did not purchase…

Chase and Logan were eating PB pretzels when we got home, so we pulled out the chocolate that I bought at the Amish bulk store and melted it down. We made a huge try of the PB ones and two trays of the regular pretzels. Yum. Logan loved the PB ones.

Melting the chocolate wafers.
Peanut butter pretzel nuggets – chocolate covered.
Sour dough pretzels – chocolate covered.

Hamburger Sliders for supper, and potatoes. Chase had frozen pizza. Once this post is done I will be done for the night except to answer an email! Yea! It’s been a whirlwind couple of days. FUN – but a whirlwind none-the-less. I talked to Nate and he said the Bingo fundraiser was a huge success, and the the kitchen held its own. So that was good.

August 29 – Tell about an incident when you were very angry with your mom or dad. “I wanted to go with my cousin, Dora Burns, to see a big parade in Washington, D.C. Dad didn’t trust Dora to take care of me. I was very mad.” I don’t even think I would trust ME to go to Washington DC! But I’d love to go.

Calendar Inspiration- The school of life is a continual learning experience. What good lesson have you learned?

Quote –

See the source image

Scripture –

See the source image

Random Photo –

Plantation cabins in South Carolina

TOMORROW August 30th is:

I won’t be visiting a beach, or having toasted marshmallows. I will spend the morning with my family then go to work in the afternoon! God bless…Hopefully the shower posts for tomorrow!!!

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