August 28, 2022

Here it is, after 10pm and I’m just starting this. So once again I will not share the shower with you. Hopefully tomorrow but don’t hold your breath! I spent the day – directly after Sunday School – helping Jen and Nate with the 9th Life Rescue Bingo Fundraiser. Sunday School was the last class that we would have JJ & Shanelle as they are moving to the 2nd grade class next week. Our lesson was on LOVE; who we should love and how God wants us to love them. They all made pictures and were happy to share.

Gracie, Shanelle, JJ, Max

So, I spent the day in the kitchen at the Bingo event. We served fruit cups, veggie trays, pierogis, rigatoni, ham BBQ, nachos and cheese, Ham, turkey and beef with cheese sliders (which went over very well!), chips, and there was a bake sale table, which sold out! And water and soft drinks, of course.

One of our best sellers!

There were 32 raffle baskets. Chrissy won a candle basket and was very excited, because the candles were from Yankee Candle. We had the same two favorite ones: Cedar and Lilac! They were all good.

About 1/3 of the baskets…

There were a lot of volunteers, but there were a lot of players. There were two rooms full of people playing Bingo. They had all sorts of different games, and pull tickets, and jackpot cards, and 50/50 raffle. We were totally busy serving food from about 2:30pm until close to 7pm. They are a really nice, hard-working, fun group, and I enjoyed spending the day with them. Jen had her bottle-baby kitty with her – it has to eat often so she couldn’t leave it alone all day. So tiny and cute! I will probably help again whenever they have the next one!

There was another whole room filled like this one!
Nate and I
Christine, Sheryl, and our kitchen helper, who’s name I can’t recall!
Jen on the left, Daphne on the right, another helper in the middle!
Chrissy hard at work!
Jen and her kitty
Bitty Kitty

August 28 – Tell about going to box socials or pot lucks. “Once in a while the school house was open in the evening so we could have a get-together. Mostly cookies and cake was what we had to eat.”

Calendar inspiration –

See the source image

Quote –

See the source image

Scripture –

See the source image

Random Photo –

Autmn and Tazz playing together! 2003

TOMORROW August 29th is:

Not sure who Hoyle is – I’ll look him up! Tomorrow is corn day – again! I’d better get some sleep. Night, all! God bless…

Five dozen ears!
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