August 19, 2022

I left the house this morning about 20 til 8am and picked up Kathy. Chrissy and Nate left their house at 8am, and we all met in Smicksburg at the farm for a day of corn!

Welcome to the Griffith farm
Since 1866!
View across the field

When we got there, Uncle Clifford had already taken the little tractor and cart out to the fields and brought in a whole load of corn. He even had a tub of it already husked. Nate, Chrissy and I set to work husking and silking, and Uncle Clifford set the water to boiling and tended to the cooking. Kathy took the food up to the kitchen and …. didn’t return! But eventually she came back down with Aunt Joan in tow. Kathy took the job of cutting the corn off the cobs, and Chrissy – who was starting to break out from the husks – finished scraping the little pieces off the cobs. Nate & I kept husking. We worked to get it all cooked and cut before we broke for lunch, with over half a dozen tubs in the freezer.

Cart full of husks and cobs,
Chrissy, Kathy, Nate
Kathy, UC, Nate, Chrissy
The water in the spring was just a slow drip – no drinks from there today.

While we worked, Aunt Joan kept us entertained by telling stories of their many guests to the farm, of life growing up on a farm, and stories of us kids growing up visiting the farm. Medicine for the soul and spirit! Chrissy went for a walk and took some pictures, and she sent me this one of a purple flower. I took her picture in the grape arbor with the sunflowers. It’s my favorite picture of the day!

Sunny sunflower
My pretty Chrissy!

We had saved a few ears of corn to have for lunch, along with macaroni salad, lunch meat and cheese sandwiches, grapes, chips and dip, and ginger cookies for dessert. Plus a fresh-sliced tomato! What a delicious lunch! We made short work of cleaning up and dividing the leftovers, then bagged the corn and stuck it in the freezer temporarily. Uncle Clifford took Chrissy out to gather up goodies for us to take home. And Chrissy got to drive the tractor. She was SO excited! They came back with not only a cart full of fresh fruit and veggies, but Chrissy had a tutorial of farm life and gardening. We brought home apples picked fresh, cantaloupe, watermelon, tomatoes, cucumbers, and corn (Chrissy picked it right off the stalks!). What wonderful blessings, in addition to all the bags of corn tucked in our coolers!

Driving lessons!
Chrissy getting farm lessons.

We totally decided it was a perfect day, spent with family on the farm in the fresh air! When we left, Kathy & I stopped at Smicksburg Country Store. I got a little pack of Amish-made chocolate chips cookies, a bag of chocolate covered peanuts for Nate, and a block of Colby Jack cheese for me. We were greeted by the resident cat, who actually seemed willing to climb in the car and come home with us!

Perfectly beautiful day.
Corn crew – Chrissy on the tractor, Nate, me, Uncle Clifford.
Aunt Joan in front; Kathy took the photo.
Friends kitty

Nate took our corn for his freezer, and a bunch of the ‘plunder’. I dropped Kathy off with her share of everything and then came home and put my food away. I could have just chilled out for the rest of the day, but somehow felt energized. I cut the grass, weed whacked, and blew everything clean. It’s nice to have the yard looking neat, especially when rumor has it there’s rain in the forecast!

Cart full of plunder
Cooler full of corn

August 19 – Did you ever experience home sickness? “When I was five years old Mom & Dad took a trip to Niagara Falls. I was very homesick for my mommy to come home. when I married your father I got homesick, being so far from home. Everything was so very different. I learned so much to first year I was married.”

Calendar inspiration – There’s an inspiring book just waiting to match your mood or interest – READ!!

Quote – two today

See the source image
See the source image
This is absolutely Liz Bromke’s mantra!

Scripture – not a scripture but an encouragement to STUDY them!

See the source image

Random Photo –

Mom and Dad with Aunt Joan.

TOMORROW August 20th is:

Tomorrow is ‘catch up’ day – I’ve spent a lot of time being everywhere and doing everything – lots of fun and family and friends. Time to get something done! Have a great weekend. God bless…

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