August 18, 2022

Matt and Logan left a little after 6am, but I didn’t really get back to sleep. They were quiet, and left everything neat and tidy, but I was awake for good. They were going to weed whack at Camp Christian and it’s shorter to leave from here. Chase, Kelly and I were all up by 7:15am, and Kelly made breakfast while I got ready for work. Chase requested pancakes. I got everything done at work and was home about 11am.

Wooden painted likeness of the old Chapel at Camp Christian. I remember that!

Kelly picked Logan up in New Stanton and Matt continued on home. Then she and I left for Laughlintown, as I had to meet Merilee at the Pie Shoppe to give her the Fields of Blue books she ordered. We had a nice chat, and I committed to going to the Flax Scutching on Sunday – September 18. Kelly hopes to come with me – girls day out!

We ‘needed’ Snails (a treat that the Pie Shoppe makes and is our favorite!) so we went in an got a dozen of those, and grabbed a bite for lunch. We sat at a picnic table out under a shade tree before heading home.

Nice little yard with stone walls and a metal sculpture
Kelly trying to get out of the picture! Didn’t work…

I worked on getting organized for tomorrow’s adventure and Kelly made food for the boys. We did three loads of laundry, and tried to organize her stuff for the trip home. The boys never want to leave! It’s always hard to see them go. I cleaned up the Flag room (which always looks like a tornado went through – leaving a LOT of love and happy memories in its wake!), and swept the Goldfish crumbs from the family room floor. It’s 9:32pm and I’m ready to be done!

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Happy times together!

August 18 – Share your childhood experiences with roller skates. “Our front walk wasn’t long enough to do much skating. We skated when we stayed on Mace Street with Uncle Charlie & Aunt Amy. We liked to use ‘Which Hazel’s’ skates because they had wheels with roller bearings & you could go faster!! Hazel & I shared a pair when we were at home. We took turns in Greensburg using our skates & ‘Which Hazel’s’ skates. The skates fastened on to the sole of your shoes with a skate key.” I had a pair like that. We loved to skate!

Calendar Inspiration – Good friends brighten every get-together. Sort of like Roller Skating and family tornados!

Quote –

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Scripture –

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Random Picture –

Gen & I – 2010
Friends since 9th grade!

TOMORROW August 19the is:

Tomorrow we will celebrate… CORN! 🙂 More about that on tomorrow’s post! God bless…

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