August 15, 2022

My beloved PENNDOT training started late and ran long. I ended up at two different banks three times, and finally got gas in my car. It was well after 2pm when I finally got home. Thank heavens for left over pizza (and also thank Kelly, because she bought it last night!).

All that’s left…

I put together a little gift basket for Jen to use at a Ninth Life event. It’s nothing grand but every basket helps!


After the pizza I changed clothes, then went out and cut the grass. It was cloudy and very cool, but I hurried since I was trying to beat the rain that looked threatening. I also thinned out some of the overgrown plants and pulled more weeds on the hill. One little bit at a time. But instead of photos of my yard, I took pictures of my neighbor’s yard. Her flowers are beautiful! So, I thought I’d share THEM instead!

Dottie’s flowers – heart shaped
Dottie’s flowers – her favorite is hibiscus!

Laundry, ironing, supper, and a shower (I smell like Lemmon Balm and mint!) – that will finish out my day! Most of my focus was on Pinnacle and weeds! I’ll try again tomorrow.

Laundry waiting for me

This just in – my white lilac has 3 blossoms! How did THAT happen. Two are side by side; one is up a little. Can’t believe it…

Two at bottom; one top right

August 15 – Share a memory of staying overnight with a friend. “Dorothy & Louise Marshall invited us to stay overnight once or twice a year. They would come & stay with us also. We always felt they were rich as they had 30 or 40 cows to our 3 or 4 cows. Larry Marshall is their nephew. Larry’s dad is their brother.”

Calendar inspiration – A regular schedule gives structure to your day – a comfortable ‘routine of happiness’. That’s pretty much me!

Quote –

Image result for Funniest Schedule Quote

Scripture –

See the source image

Random Photo –

Ironing from 2 years ago… Maybe it’s the same pile.

TOMORROW August 16th is:

If Bud was still around, he was always good for a fun joke! I still miss him. SO, I guess I’ll just have to look one up. Have a happy day, and find a reason to laugh! God bless…

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