August 14, 2022

TODAY is my cousin Allen’s birthday! We are the same age for the next ten months. 🙂 It seems like our opportunities to go Home have diminished, and I miss visiting and sharing times with that family. So Happy Birthday, Allen – have a great day and a happy year! Love you!

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Allen and Bonnie in Alaska last year.

When I got home from church and was walking through the kitchen, I looked out the window and glanced at the neighbor’s yard. What a shock! Their pool was mangled and broken and empty. He was outside so I walked down to see what happened. Apparently the side blew out last night and all the water ran down the street. Thankfully the water stuck to the street and didn’t flood yards or homes, and no one was hurt. He spent the afternoon taking the pool apart so there is nothing left. He does absolutely intend to replace it!

Rusted sides – ruined pool
Pool dismantled

After lunch of fried yellow squash (YUM!), I went outside and pulled weeds, cleaned up leaves, and cut back stalks. Another section cleaned up. I have Hallmark on in the background, and although I don’t like ‘time travel’ movies, I am watching Love Strikes Twice. It’s a very cute movie and the cast is great – though mostly unknown to me! I guess I’ll do a few smaller chores this evening so I’m ready to jump into the week.

Cleaned up along the fence.
Pulled weeds and cut stalks.

My step-daughter Theresa passed away yesterday. She has been struggling with Dementia for at least 5 years, and she was too young for that. She was in her mid-60’s. Kelly plans to come up, and we will go to the viewing; I’m waiting to hear her schedule. My prayers go out to Mel (husband), Angela, Deanna, and their families.

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Theresa in 2018

August 14 – Tell about your bedroom. “Aunt Hazel & I shared a room. It was very small. It was big enough to have our double, metal bed and a 3-drawer dresser. Aunt Hazel didn’t like to be touched when she was sleeping so she put a string down the middle of our bed to show where my side of the bed ended. 🙂 I thought it was funny and I still do. It didn’t bother me at all. We had a very small clothes press (wardrobe).”

Calendar inspiration – Curiosity motivates us to learn more about something. So… what interest you? Learn!

Quote –

See the source image

Scripture –

See the source image

Random Photo –

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Theresa in 2012 with her daughters Deanna and Angela

TOMORROW August 15th is:

I’m sort of relaxing today – so I probably won’t celebrate that tomorrow. I have PENNDOT training in the morning. Oh, joy. Have a great week. God bless…

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