August 12, 2015


Once again last weekend I had the extreme pleasure of helping to usher at the Ligonier Theatre – this time for the presentation of OKLAHOMA.  Of all the plays that I’ve attended and ushered for, this one was in the top several of my favorites.

I had – of course – seen OKLAHOMA when I was young – very MUCH younger! – and remembered the details vividly. And as I expected, the talent of the actors and singers was excellent!  They did a fabulous job – every single one! – and I truly enjoyed the evening.

Bear- Oklalhoma 8-15

As is also the norm, after the show I had Bear sign my program and pose with me for a photo.  I have quite a collection by now, and treasure every single one.  Bear and I have been friends for a VERY long time – although neither of us are a day of 25!  Ha!

The play continues this weekend – August 14, 15, 16… so if you’re local, I highly recommend it!

I never get tired of watching him act, seeing the plays, being in the audience….  He’s a special guy, a great friend, and lots of fun.  Here’s to many, many more performances, Bear!  God Bless!!!!

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