Today was the community Easter Egg Hunt at Hempfield Church. The setup committee was busy all week and things were in place for the most part when I got there at 9am. Several dozen of us started on the food, setting up the games, and putting out supplies. Many hands make light work! I was able to stay until 11am, at which time I went to pick up Chrissy to take her to her football game (she plays flag football).

malted milk eggs

When I got back, the event was in full swing. The kids were having a great time, playing games and climbing around and going through their eggs. When they registered they received an egg carton with a dozen filled eggs, then could hunt for more in the auditorium. There was cotton candy, cookies, hotdogs, chips, drinks, veggies/dip, fruit and snacks. It was close to 1pm before people started leaving and we could get cleaned up. It was after 3pm when I got home. It was so much fun, even for the adults, and always good to spend time with the young and older alike.

My rice bag sprung a leak last night, so I stitched that up first thing. I still have ironing to do and a few other small things. I had a hot dog for lunch at church so supper will be light.
April 9 – Make up a limerick about me. “Marge was a girl what loved to write; she would keep at it day & night. She wrote many stories & even a poem – that told people about her home.”

Yesterday’s vacation destination was Topsail (NC), where Rege and his family were for vacation. The picture posted was beach rentals. Here are some additional photos:

Calendar inspiration is – satisfying work always makes a happy heart.

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation Destination –

TOMORROW April 10th is:
- Encourage a Young Writer Day
- National Cinnamon Crescent Day
- National Farm Animals Day
- National Siblings Day
I can celebrate all of those, since Peyton is knee deep in farm animals, not to mention Piggy Smalls. I love encouraging young writers and I love my sibling! So there we go. Have a wonderful Sunday and God Bless…
( * There were 673 jelly beans in the jar…)
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