I got up early to mix up the bread dough. Then I baked the scones, and Diane came for breakfast. She just needed to talk through a few things, and it worked out because we could both just talk though things. She stayed until noon and I think we again attempted to solve the world’s problems. It remains to be seen if we solved ANYTHING!

It was very foggy last night. When I got up in the night, the houses behind me looked haunted and eerie. You couldn’t even see the lights on the next street over. But this morning the fog lifted as the sun broke through.

And the sun hiding in the tree!
I was just getting ready to drive over to the Five Star Trail and walk, but took a minute to fold laundry. When I came out of the laundry room it was pouring rain! So I was glad I hadn’t gone. I took a long walk through the neighborhood when the sun came out, and found a cluster of grape hyacinths blooming at the bottom of the driveway.

Then my tax lady called with news of my finished return, and I met her at the mall to sign documents and get my copies — and of course to pay her! Then I got my bath soap at Barbara Ann’s, and then discovered that Bath & Body Works had their hand soup on sale for $3.50 each. I replaced some near-empty ones in my downstairs bathroom and laundry room, and still have a spare. Super great price, and I seldom purchase those so I was excited.

When I was coming home I snapped a picture coming down Swede Hill Road. It’s a great view.

Now the bread is baking, and once this is finished I will possibly iron and then balance the checking account. That will be it for the day.
April 8 – Make up a limerick about yourself. “There once was a girl named Dot – Who sighed when it got too hot. She would wade in the ‘run’, and have lots of fun, until called home by her mum.” And you wonder where I get my writing creativity!!!

Yesterday’s vacation destination was San Francisco. I went there on a work convention once, and rode on a cable car as pictured yesterday. Other points of interest are:

Calendar Inspiration – Try to find a quiet corner for your creative hobby or craft.

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation Destination –

TOMORROW April 9th is:
- National Cherish an Antique Day
- National Chinese Almond Cookie Day
- National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day
- National Name Yourself Day
- National Unicorn Day
- National Winston Churchill Day
Oh, I have so many antiques that I do cherish. They mean a lot to me, mostly because they are family pieces. Diane’s daughter Shannon LOVES unicorns – she has several hundred! Tomorrow is the community Easter Egg Hunt at Hempfield Church – I plan to help in the morning. It will probably be inside, because it’s supposed to SNOW!!! And stay COLD! But the kids will have fun as always. God Bless…

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