April 9, 2021

Prince Phillip – consort to Queen Elizabeth II – died today. I don’t know why that made me feel so sad. They were married for 73 years. Longer than I’ve been alive. Wishing the royal family peace and comfort.

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A very young Prince Philip with his wife Queen Elizabeth II

It rained through the night, and was pretty windy. I did not walk this morning, but was busy all day. After Ron left for a financial appointment and then to see his brother and son, I ran a few errands then came home to cut the grass and put Round-up on the stones between the fences down the hill. I called and got information and instruction from Master Gardener Gen before attempting it. It was a nice day to be outside!

I wasn’t taking any chances!

Kathy sent me photos from Dixon IL – they were visiting the Boyhood Home of President Ronald Reagan. Looks like they were having a great time! I think they have another house visit tomorrow before heading back home. Hopefully there will be pictures tomorrow, too!

Paul playing tour guide
Kathy after a delightful visit with President Reagan (well, not a PERSONAL visit!)

Diane sent me a picture of a bouquet of daffodils from her back yard garden. She inspired me to go outside and make a little vase of my own. Both bouquets of flowers are lovely. I love flowers!

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Diane’s daffodils
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My little mix of garden flowers

Since I wasn’t able to find Greg’s sermon, and Rod’s recordings did not work, I will share a little devotional of my own. I remember when I drove Kelly to the middle of Pennsylvania to begin her days at Messiah College, and she didn’t really know anyone or what she wanted to get involved with socially. She went to the student fair that weekend, and found a booth for the Swinging Bridge, the college newspaper. The next thing she knew she was on staff, and worked her way up to editor. I asked her what her favorite things were about being editor. She mentioned always knowing what was going on, meeting new people, and getting to be ‘in charge.’ But one thing stuck with me. It was a fairly large campus, lots of students ( about 3000) plus faculty. “You know what, Mom? I can walk across campus, and the president of the college stops me to talk. And he knows my NAME!” She was awed by that fact. How much more in awe should we be that the Lord of Heaven and Earth KNOWS OUR NAME? He knows who we are and what we do and what we need. And he cares about us. I always think about that when I remember Kelly’s words.

Image courtesy of pinterest.com

On this day in 1768 John Hancock refused to allow two British customs agents to go below deck of his ship, considered by some to be the first act of physical resistance to British authority in the colonies. In 1865 Confederate General Robert E. Lee and 26,765 troops surrender at Appomattox Court House to US Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant ending the Civil War in North Virginia. 1950 was Bob Hope‘s 1st TV appearance, and in 1963 Winston Churchill became the 1st honorary US citizen. In 1968 Martin Luther King Jr., was buried in Atlanta, and in 2002 Funeral of Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother was at Westminster Abbey UK. More than a million people line the streets. Birthdays: 1926 Hugh Hefner, American magazine publisher and businessman (Playboy).  Frank Lloyd Wright, American architect (Guggenheim) recognized as “the greatest American architect of all time”, dies at 89 in 1959; 2001 Willie Stargell, American Baseball Hall of Fame outfielder/1st baseman (7-time All Star), dies of a stroke at 61. And as mentioned, today Philip Mountbatten, Duke of Edinburgh and consort of Great Britain’s Elizabeth II, died at 99. In 2005 His Royal Highness Charles, Prince of Wales marries Camilla Parker Bowles.

Confederate General Robert E. Lee
General Robert E Lee
Duke of Edinburgh Prince Philip
Prince Philip

TOMORROW April 10th is:

Enjoy the weather and the weekend – God bless!

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