I got a lot accomplished today – beginning with Pinnacle in Jeannette. Rege is back from vacation but he didn’t feel his best the whole time he was gone. Despite that, he managed to find the coveted postcard and bring it back for me. I had heard he was sick, so I packaged up a handful of the chocolate/ peanut butter pretzel nuggets for him (his favorite). I told him that was his prescribed medication and he was to finish it completely! He was eating them when I left.

I had a few things to do in Greensburg, then headed to Cracker barrel to get Root Beer Barrels. They did NOT have them! But I did find what Chrissy wanted so that mission accomplished. Matt finally txt me the mixture of Scott’s lawn treatment that I needed, so after a lunch of leftover pizza I treated the entire yard. Used the whole bag. Then I ‘suited up’ and sprayed the rocks on the hill with the Round-up. Those are things that work better before a rain. Hoping it turns out as planned.

While I was outside I saw an amazing phenomena – an EGG was growing up the middle of my hyacinth. Wonder how THAT happened???

Walmart finally got their spring flower shipment, and I got a small hyacinth and a larger one, both a shade of bright pink. I was looking for white but didn’t find any. But once they bloom the house will smell amazing, and then I will plant them strategically to bloom forever.

Bill Smail’s obituary was in today’s Trib. It was a nice write-up and a good photo. I also saw that Dr. Courtney passed away – he delivered both of my kids! He was a very nice man and a good obstetrician. And while we are talking about the Trib, search for Ninth Life Rescue and see the article about the 70 cats rescued. Jen is interviewed. There is also a 60 minute news clip on WTAE about the same rescue that features her, as well. So she’s really received some positive exposure and opportunity to raise some much-needed funds.

April 5 – Did you ever feel a hatred for another person? Explain. “I just remember after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor the whole nation had a hatred for them. We also hated Hitler. When I got older I understood not to ‘hate’ anyone. Just what they did.” A huge truth – we should all share and embrace it!

Yesterday’s vacation destination ten destinations for flower gardens, and the picture posted was Las Pozas Mexico. Other locations are:

Calendar inspiration – Accomplish tasks one by one – take time to do each one well.

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation Destination –

TOMORROW April 6th is:
- National Caramel Popcorn Day
- National Sorry Charlie Day
- National Student-Athlete Day
- National Tartan Day
- National Teflon Day
- New Beer’s Eve
- National Bookmobile Day
- National Walking Day
- Childhelp National Day of Hope
Bookmobile! That’s cool. Something you could walk to. Enjoy the middle of the week and check in again. God bless…
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