Today is PEEPS day – April, Liz, and Joelyn are coming for an evening of fun and food. We have a lot to catch up on, because we haven’t had a PEEPS night since the pandemic. PEEPS stands for Previously Employed/Employed People of Smails. 🙂 I bought little peeps to share for the occasion!

I have the table all ready, the drinks in the mini-fridge, the salad made and the pizza ordered. Just have to wait until 5pm to set the rest out. I’m excited to catch up with everything that’s going on in their lives.

The girls arrived right with the pizza, about 5:15. We dove right into eating and chatting. Let’s see – what’s new? Liz finished her classes, and will graduate and walk with her class in May. She also bought a new car – a really sharp Mazda! I may be a bit jealous… Joelyn just ordered a new Chevy, adopted a dog and got a puppy in addition. Her daughter is still taking classes in Arizona and she misses her being home. April just got back from a wonderful cruise and already booked another one for September. She just spent a long weekend with all three of her kids and all three of her grandchildren for her birthday in March, and it was a great time. I shared my basement water disaster and my friendship with Liz Bromke, and the fact that I am so glad to be working where I am! And that was just the tip of the evening. We had a lot of great conversations. So glad they shared their evening so we could finally get together!

Out of nowhere the thought came to me that I had the ladder from our old bunk beds in the shed. The beds are long gone, but the other day I saw a segment on HGTV where a designer displayed blankets on a ladder. So I went to the shed, got the ladder and scrubbed it, and put a few blankets on it. Ta-da!!! I like it!

April 4 – Did you ever make a kite? How? Tell about your kite flying experiences. “Every year we made a kite for each of us kids. We used brown butchers paper. Made our paste by cooking flour & water together. We used scraps of old material to tie onto a string to make a tail. The hardest thing was to save enough pennies to buy our kite string. We decorated our kites by coloring designs on them.” Oh, what kids miss nowadays! As much excitement in making as in flying!

Yesterday’s vacation destination was Richmond Virginia, and the picture posted was the Garthright House at the Cold Harbor Battlefield. We went on a tour of the battlefield when I was researching ‘Letters to Mary’. Here are more points of interest:

Calendar Inspiration – Use the energy of springtime to begin some new resolutions for personal growth.

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation Destination –

TOMORROW April 5th is:
- First Contact Day
- Gold Star Spouses Day
- National Caramel Day
- National Deep Dish Pizza Day
- National Flash Drive Day
- National Go for Broke Day
- National Nebraska Day
- National Raisin and Spice Bar Day
- National Read a Road Map Day
- SAAM Day of Action
- National Library Workers Day
- National Employee Benefits Day
There is definitely a lot of celebrations to choose from! If I was going to choose one, it would probably be Deep Dish Pizza. Or Road Map day. That sounds fun! Where can we go? Hmmm. Have a blessed day!
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