December 23, 2023

Two more sleeps til Christmas! I’m ok with that. I don’t have a busy day tomorrow (morning and evening church) but Monday I have a few things to do.

December 23rd – My Advent calendar | justellydotcom

But let’s start with yesterday. It was a tough day to get through. It actually started Thursday evening with a few conversations that took a turn that I didn’t expect. Wasn’t sure how to sort that all out. But I got into my day Friday by doing a load of laundry – and let it wash while I prepped the ham and got it baking in the oven. When I came down to change the load to the dryer I realized that the laundry room drain had backed up – basically flooded the room – and left a mess behind. Everything was soaked and filthy and smelly.

It took most of the morning to get that cleaned up, but the tough thing was I couldn’t wash all the rags and towels I used to do that. I knew I would have Autmn and Cam all day so I had to put that task aside until today (which I handled – more later!).

Put the dehumidifier in the laundry room to help dry it out. It was a chore to get that heavy thing up the hill from the shed!
Cameron – AKA Darth Vader

While I was waiting for Autmn to call I had some work papers to print out. The printer was being stubborn and kept shutting off and jamming. It took me over half an hour to print 3 pages. I had a few other things to do that didn’t go on track, but sort of expected that because once my focus was broken everything seemed to go awry.

Cameron bonding with his buddy Snoopy. He laid there for about 20 minutes chatting away.

I picked up Autmn, Cameron and Autmn’s youngest sister Josie and they spent the day. Cameron was good and was happy to see his Grammy. We did spend some quality time together, but Josie likes playing with him, too, so I had to share. Imagine that! But having my family here helped things, anyway.

Josie feeding Cameron
Cameron keeping an eye on me.
Ron photo bombing in the background.

Ron was in town and called to see if Autmn and Cameron would be here, and decided to pop over and see them. So we had a busy day shuffling food and people and TV shows. It was a pretty nice afternoon and evening. I was certainly ready for a good night’s sleep.

Ron and Cameron checking each other out.

This morning I mixed up bread and it’s now rising in loaf pans. I was planning on going to the laundromat but I had several offers of washers to do the dirty towels. I didn’t want to put that mess in someone’s washer — but Nate has the rescue and has alot worse to wash than I had. So he offered and I accepted. I took my two loads down there and he said they would just do it and drop it off later.

Mixing bread dough
Loaves rising

I stopped at Shop and Save to get the dough for ham rolls, and found their Christmas/winter things on sale. I got a few little things that were just pennies. Nice. Then about 5pm Nate returned my towels, rags, and sheets, dry and folded! I could be spoiled!

MERRY snowflake
LET IT SNOW wooden hanger
Gold star….
SOME of the laundry

So I cut up the ham from yesterday and made ham and cheese rolls, then I tried again with the chocolate drizzled popcorn. It turned out better but I am going to get white chocolate – it was really good that way. It’s now 7pm and I’m hoping that’s all I need to do for the day. Today was easier but I was on my feet all day, which I generally am not. I’ll watch a Hallmark movie, write in my journal, read devotions, and that will be it. I sampled the popcorn and the ham rolls so I won’t need supper.

Prepping ham rolls
Ham and cheese rolls
Chocolate popcorn

When I was at Nate’s I noticed that Jen’s cat plaque was sticky from the package tape. I brought it home and worked on it and got it all cleaned up like new! It was the least I could do for clean laundry.

Love birds… ah, er cats.


Luke 2:10 Christmas Bible Verse Images | Luke 2:10 Pictures


Joy Quotes | 10 Inspiration Quotes About Joy -

TOMORROW December 24th is:

National Eggnog Day; Christmas Eve.

No eggnog for me! And I am going to Kathy’s after church for a late supper. My job is to take the shrimp ring! Already purchased and tucked in the freezer – I will defrost it after church… Have a blessed celebration! God bless..

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December 22, 2023

Again, no post today. I had a full day. Mostly challenges but all is well at the end of the day. It’s 11:15pm and time for bed. I’ll catch up tomorrow!

TOMORROW December 23rd is:

National Roots Day; Festivus Day; National Pfeffernusse Day (It’s a cookie!)

Enjoy – only a few more sleeps until Christmas! God bless…

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December 21, 2023

It’s 5:20 and it’s dark. BUT starting tomorrow the days get a little longer every day! Summer’s coming!

12,715 Winter Solstice Images, Stock Photos, 3D objects ...

I started the day with an appointment in Jeannette with my cousin Paul. There were a few other things to do down there. The guys all got together and gave me the loveliest card! It’s one I’ll keep… Also a gift card and as usual Ken gave me a bag of Brookside dark chocolate covered pomegranates! Yum! It’s a splurge I don’t indulge in on my own!

There were a few things in Greensburg, as well, plus I hung around and talked to Ken for a few minutes. then I zipped over to pick up Shannon and get her to Norwin Square for her shot. It was a little longer than she expected but went well. On the way home I stopped at WOW outlet – all their Christmas merchandise is on sale at least 50% off. I spent $1.06!

Wow Outlets in Greensburg | Wow Outlets 212 Outlet Way, Greensburg, PA ...

On the way home I snapped a photo of the courthouse and a church with a red door. The wreaths made it look so festive!

It was after 3pm when I got home so I grabbed a bowl of soup and organized things. 3/4 of the lights on my Williamsburg tree were out so I un-strung them and put new ones on. It was so much harder when it was fully decorated and it doesn’t look as even as it was originally but it is much better lit than burnt out!

Tomorrow I believe Autmn and Cameron are coming up and I’m cooking my little piece of ham. And hopefully making fudge. We’ll see what the day brings!

Superior's Brand Tavern Boneless Ham (Limit 2 at Sale Retail), 1 lb - QFC


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TOMORROW December 22nd is:

National Date Nut bread Day; Forefathers’ Day.

Counting down to Christmas! Hope you’re done shopping. Have a great weekend. God bless.

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December 20, 2023

I took my time doing chores today — cleaning, laundry, small clean-ups. I had a bowl of Stuffed Pepper Soup for lunch. I hate to say that that’s the most of what I did today.

Green Bell Peppers | Lipman Family Farms

BUT – I was doing laundry and my drains started acting up again. The floor drain was surging a bit but thankfully didn’t come near to the top, or overflow. The downstairs toilet was bubbling and gurgling worse than before the plumber came out to clean the drains. I paid a good amount of money to have those drains handled and am certainly distressed that it is acting up. I called the company (I have a 60 day guarantee) and they scheduled me for next Tuesday. I can only hope that it doesn’t get worse or over-flow before then. Thankfully our family Christmas is the 28th!

How To Repair a Gurgling Toilet and Drains Without Breaking The Bank ...

I txt Autmn and told her to send me a picture of Cameron just to cheer me up! So even though you get overload on the Cameron pics here is another one!

Baby Cameron
Baby Nate – any resemblance?

Tomorrow I have a full schedule but Friday Autmn and Cameron are spending the day. I’ll just hang in there until then!


Cleanliness is next to godliness verse in the Bible - ABTC


“Happiness is a freshly cleaned house” - Unknown | Clean house quotes ...

TOMORROW December 21st is:

National Maine Day; National Flashlight day; National French Fried Shrimp Day; Anne & Samantha Day (Day of Summer & Winter Solstice); Yule – Day of Winter Solstice; Winter Solstice; Phileas Fogg Win A Wager Day; National Homeless Persons’ Remembrance Day.

Lots to celebrate – but most of it centers around Winter Solstice — shortest daylight day of the year. Plan something fun to do in the dark – maybe eat shrimp in Maine? With a flashlight? God bless…

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December 19, 2023

Last night with baby Cameron went so well — too well, in fact! He slept most of the time he was here. But we had almost an hour while he was awake. He had a bottle, got a clean diaper, and then he laid on the floor the rest of the time. He loves to kick against things, so I slid him close enough to the couch so he could kick and push. I held his little musical hand toy, and it flashes lights and plays music and talks to him. He loves it! His eyes get wide and bright and he kicks and waves his little arms! It was a fun time.

Wake up, baby!

After the kids left, I watched the CMA Country Christmas special. It was refreshing that most of the songs were traditional Christmas Carols. There were a few that weren’t – like ‘You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch’ and ‘Beer for Santa’. The performers were great. I have always loved Lady A, and of course Amy Grant (co-host with Trisha Yearwood), and Lainey Wilson. Great addition to the holiday celebrations! I also put my cell phone shelf up – all by myself!

Amy and Trisha
Cell phone shelf.

Went to bed last night with a coating of snow everywhere. Woke up to the same. Neither store had anything pressing, so I stayed put and cleaned off the driveway, walk and porch. I was just finishing up when Nate called to see if I could go pick up Chris at school at 11am. Sherree wasn’t comfortable driving. The roads were all clear and dry so of course I agreed.

Yesterday’s snow – just starting.
Back deck
Reflection of projector lights on the snow.
Driveway cleared

I picked her up, stopped so she could get food at Wendy’s, then dropped her off at home. She was struggling with something and feeling a little down so we took some time to talk. Not sure if it solved her issue but maybe she’ll be able to get through it better.

Lunch time!

My chores for this afternoon were to make chocolate drizzled popcorn – it turned out ok but I think I used the wrong popcorn. I bought corn puffs and should have bought hull-less popcorn. In the meantime I can eat it (no problem there!) and I’ll try again after Christmas.

Chocolate drizzled popcorn – sort of

I had a friend stop over to help me with something concerning the house, and when he left I made stuffed pepper soup. Of course the first thing I did was splash a few spots of tomato sauce on my white sweatshirt! I scrubbed it right away and got it out. Whew. I just had a bowl for lunch (I know – it’s 3pm! Running a bit behind) but it was very good. Best I’ve made in a while!


I’m listening to CHRISTMAS LOVE STORY in the background. It’s definitely a movie worth watching!

A Christmas Love Story



And give good tidings to the believers that they will have from Allah great  bounty. (lionofAllah) | Islamic quotes, Quran verses, Find quotes

TOMORROW December 20th is:

Go Caroling Day; National Sangria Day; Mudd Day; International Human Solidarity Day.

I may not leave the house but guaranteed I will sing! I have Christmas CD’s on all the time! Sing – and God bless…

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I am watching Cameron for a bit, and I don’t think I’ll have time to get organized and post anything this evening.

So I’ll catch up tomorrow! Stay safe!

TOMORROW December 19th is:

National Oatmeal Muffin Day; National Hard Candy Day.

God bless!

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Skunk Hollow Christmas 2023

Today was the last Sunday School class until January 7th – so we finished up with the Wise Kings, did a nativity craft, had red velvet cupcakes and DQ ice cream for Max’s birthday, and gave the kids their Christmas stocking. I was disappointed that Cody and Jackson were not there for Sunday School – but I saw their mother after church and gave her their treats. Grace and Max were there – and Max was listening to the lesson while eating a cookie!

Grace and Max-eating-cookie.
My purple star gnome – a gift from Mary, along with special-order lip cover!
A chocolate thank you from the Children’s Ministry Director
A beautiful leather purse from Max for Christmas!

We got new tables and chairs in the Welcome Center, and a few new decorations.

New bistro tables and chairs for the Welcome Center

Todd’s message was very good – The Peace of Christmas. It basically dealt with being too busy, stressed, distracted during the holiday season. PEACE is the gift of life as it was meant to be. We need to remember that more stuff, more work, and more life does not give us peace. ‘Hurry’ and ‘Love’ are incompatible, as are ‘Hurry’ and ‘Peace’.

Point one
Point two

I came home from church and made a smaller batch of potato soup – I used the rest of the potatoes and then had a bowl for lunch. After I post this I plan to dig out an old black and white Christmas classic movie and watch that, then pay some bills. Sarah posted pictures of the Word of Life Christmas program – Millie is in front, right – at the mic!!!

Millie – a star of the program!

SO … Yesterday’s Christmas party! We arrived at Colleen’s at about 2 minutes until 2pm. Her house is so delightful. It’s a classic farmhouse that is exquisite! The holiday decorations are perfection and entirely suitable for the home. It takes her a week to switch out all her everyday décor and transform the house into CHRISTMAS. Here are a few pictures of her house.

Front porch
Wreath and snowmen
Front gate
View from the kitchen window
By the front door
Front door
Pencil tree in the dining room
A snack station in the dining room;
See the lighted picture to the top left
Fireplace in the living room
Living room

All ten of us gathered with food and hugs and stories and laughter, taking pictures and eating and visiting. It was a wonderful day; balm for the soul and spirit. We have a way of lifting each other up, encouraging each other, sharing joy and concerns, and reminiscing. I don’t know how we would get through life without each other.

Karen O, Uncle Clifford, Karen V, Kath, Me
Gail, Connie, Aunt Joan,
Colleen, Gwen, Holly
Karen V, Holly
Gail – the oldest cousin and our unofficial matriarch
Aunt Joan – our only living aunt – with Kathy
Me with the yummy popcorn
Karen V, Beth
Holly and Me
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Colleen – our hostess
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Karen O – she lives in Mt. Joy (Lancaster area) She’s wearing the friendship button bracelet we made last Christmas
Holly having a hot flash – Karen V helping out.
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TJ and MAXX — matching cousins ==
Guess where they got their shirts??
Connie and Holly
Holly, Beth, Kathy, AJ
Karen and Gail
Beth – our ‘star’!!!

Colleen’s granddaughter Aleah makes jewelry, using resin and molds and paints, and she brought four trays down for us to look at. Most of us bought something – I bought two pair of earrings, snowflakes and stars. Such a great job!

Aleah with her jewelry, and Kathy looking through them
My earring choices

Traditionally I will write and then read out loud a story – mostly about growing up together, Skunk Hollow, HOME, evoking memories. This year it was a fictional Christmas story about our parents growing up.

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Story time!
Grama Crooks’ cookie cutters –
in the story
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Connie looking at Grama Crooks’ cookie cutters
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Gwen holding cookie cutters

And it was a special treat to have Uncle Clifford and Aunt Joan join us for dinner – lasagna, salad, garlic toast, Uncle Clifford’s homemade apple sauce, broccoli casserole, and Jello-pretzel salad. And I can’t begin to share the snacks we had – but my two favorites were the hullless buttered popcorn drizzled with white chocolate and buffalo chicken dip and chips. It goes on and on from there. And of course, M&M’s!

Another of the snack stations
Colleen, Karen O, UC, Gwen
Uncle Clifford and Aunt Joan; Kathy
Listening to story time
Uncle Clifford and Aunt Joan
The festive table
Our favors from Colleen – there were several different scriptures on wooden blocks – this is my favorite!
At the table.

When I say our lives are enriched and blessed by our relationships and friendships it is not an exaggeration. We love and support each other in every way, through good times and bad, and I’m honored and humbled to have each and every one of them in my life. Merry Christmas, cousins!

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Karen O, Karen V, Kathy, Me
Gail, Connie, (Aunt Joan),
Colleen, Gwen, Beth, Holly

Scriptures: (Two today)

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For the 'Love' of Family | Best family quotes, Family love ...

TOMORROW December 18th is:

World Arabic Language Day; National Twin Day; National Roast Suckling Pig Day (PLEASE don’t tell Jen!!!); International Migrants Day; Answer the Telephone Like Buddy The Elf Day (“Buddy the Elf; what’s your favorite color?”)

That would be a fun thing – to catch people off guard when you answer your phone! Have a good time and a great day. God bless…

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December 16, 2023

Today was such a fun day! Everyone – all 10 of us – were there, plus Aunt Joan and Uncle Clifford. I will expound on our adventures tomorrow – but for today I’ll just post a few pictures and head to bed. It’s after 10pm and I’m getting tired. And I need the pictures that Beth took, which she’ll probably send tomorrow.

Skunks and foxes and 'coons, oh my! – The Licking News
Skunk Hollow Event

When I climbed into bed last night I looked at the lights reflecting on my window and decided to share. The panes reflect multiple images and it’s cool. Also, while I was waiting for my rice bag to heat, I noticed the reindeer antlers at my neighbor’s house. That is one HUGE reindeer!

Reindeer Antlers ABOVE the roof line!

As usual, I changed and washed the bed sheets. I don’t know what it is about my dryer, but almost every week the sheets come out rolled like a sausage! I don’t think that is supposed to happen.

Sheets or sausage roll?

I’ll fast forward to Smicksburg – Kathy and I stopped at Donna’s store to get cheese. I wanted to get a thank you for Sir Rege for handling my car yesterday and he loves cheese. Two little Amish boys came into the store and bought a two liter of Pepsi — with a baggie full of quarters and dimes. Then they walked up across the mowed corn fields toward home.

Boys heading home with their Pepsi

So that’s it for today – and I’ll do the Skunk Hollow Christmas Event tomorrow!


I Will Lie Down and Sleep in Peace Bedroom Wall Decor - Etsy


Above Bed Wall Art Print Good Night Sleep Tight Quote Poster Canvas  Painting For Master Bedroom Over Bed Wall Decor Housewarming Gift Unframed  -

TOMORROW December 17th is:

National Maple Syrup Day; Wright Brothers Day.

You’d think Maple Syrup Day would be more in line with a sap harvest. Oh, well. Enjoy your Sunday! God bless…

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December 15, 2023

What a day – I felt like I was slinging around on a Merry-go-Round! But I got to see both my girls and baby Cam.

26,278 Merry Go Round Images, Stock Photos, 3D objects ...

First I had breakfast here for Diane. We had scrambled eggs and scones. We also covered about every topic there is, from Native Americans to traveling Wise Men – and back to babies and housing options.

215,146 Wise Images, Stock Photos, 3D objects, & Vectors ...
How many where there?

When Diane left I went to the high school to pick up Chrissy. She’s on work study and classes are over at 11am. From there we picked up Autmn and Cameron and ended up at Panera Bread for lunch. Cameron slept through the whole thing.

Waiting for Christina

The girls wanted to browse (and spend) at Five Below so Cameron and I drove (well, I drove and sang) around the parking lot till they finished.

Not entirely happy!

We ended up at Gabe’s as they both had shopping to do. After two years of searching I finally found St. Patrick Day blankets! So now I have Kelly’s coveted blanket for her.

Shamrock blanket

I paid for the blanket and Autmn’s purchased and took Cameron to the car. He finished his bottle and I put him on the seat. We played with his light and sound toy and entertained each other until the girls were done shopping.

Playing with Cameron

I dropped Chrissy off at home (she had to work this evening) and then Autmn mentioned wanting to go home. I was surprised but I took them down. I felt like I didn’t get enough time with them today and was feeling bad. 🙁 But Autmn sent me a picture of her and Cameron in their robes! So crazy cute!

Cameron and Autmn in their robes

It’s a good thing I did that, because the car had been throwing warning signals all day. I dropped Autmn and Cameron off and went straight to Pinnacle. Rege put me in another car – a Jeep Cherokee. I got gas, then met Kelly’s family in Youngwood to pick up items from a 4-H fundraiser. Now I am in for the evening.

Super nice ride!


Bible Verse Print Children Are a Gift From the Lord They Are ...


40 Quotes About Play That Remind Us Why It's So Important

TOMORROW December 16th is:

National Wreaths Across America Day; National Chocolate Covered Anything Day; Barbie & Barney Backlash Day.

Tomorrow for me is the Skunk Hollow Christmas event at Colleen’s. I SO need that. These girls are such a critical part of my support and delight system! Choose something delightful, and celebrate. God bless…

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December 14, 2023

I was busy all day – Worked in Jeannette, then went to Greensburg. Stopped at Shop and Save to get a shrimp ring and see if they would cut a Superior Ham for me – they wouldn’t. But I got the shrimp. I got gas for the Jeep then stopped at Walmart for a few other groceries. But Sir Rege called and had another deal that needed done today. So I went back down there.

Adaiyah Character Logo Shrimp On Canvas Print
No, the shrimp doesn’t look like this….

Just as I got in the door at home Mr. G called about going over my annuity which we needed to make a change on. He left, and I mixed up the scones for tomorrow’s breakfast with Diane. I had a doctor’s appointment at Norwin Square, then was home about half an hour and left again.

Festive tree at Norwin Square

I met Teresa at the Westmoreland Museum of American Art, and we attended a lecture about Creating Common Memory. It wasn’t what either of us thought it would be, but I think you always learn something from these presentations.

Me and Teresa

We also watched a digitalization of some of Frank Lloyd Wright’s unbuilt works. That was pretty amazing. And the Festival of Lights outside was beautiful.

Light garden
More lights
Museum gardens

I got there early enough to get the sunset and the courthouse dome. I didn’t sleep well last night, so I’m going to grab something small to eat and settle in for the evening. Tomorrow I have breakfast here with Di, then have to pick up Chrissy at school, then probably get Autmn and Cameron (and she does have one more gift to buy!) so another busy day!

Sunset over Greensburg – see the tiny sliver of moon?
Blue courthouse dome


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My favorite color is Christmas lights - Calligraphy phrase for Christmas.  Hand drawn lettering for Xmas greetings cards, invitations. Good for  t-shirt, mug, gift, printing press. Holiday quotes. Stock Vector | Adobe

TOMORROW December 15th is:

International Tea Day; National Wear Your Pearls Day; National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day; National Cupcake Day; National Underdog Day; Cat Herders Day; Bill of Rights Day.

Gen, if you read this, have a cup of tea and pretend we are together! Miss you! I have Mom’s pearls and Grama Crooks’ pearl earrings. Kelly makes a mean cupcake, and Jen is always herding cats! God bless!

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