January 2, 2024

I have to say, there’s not too much excitement about grocery shopping, ironing, and cleaning laundry room shelves! Even putting my Christmas leggings, shirts and jewelry away doesn’t create much interest. Bummer.

Christmas clothes bins

I had heard some reviews that the Hallmark Christmas movie Miracle in Bethlehem PA was a cute movie with lots of little references to the Christmas story. I was going to watch it today but the firestick only holds them for viewing for several days and I missed my window. Undoubtedly Hallmark will run it a weekend or two over the next 10 months.

Autmn and Cameron and I have plans for Thursday after work. So that IS exciting to look forward to! Noah is off on Wednesdays so it wouldn’t make sense for them to come today.

Isn’t he cute?

I just noticed that the back of my Peanuts Page-A-Day calendar has trivia notes on each day, so I’ll share them if they are worthy. I will post the question today and share the answer tomorrow!
Trivia: What year did the New Year’s Eve Ball drop in Times Square for the first time?

Birthdays for January 2nd: Roger Miller, Country singer (1936). Also on this date in 1863 the Battle of Stone’s River concluded (Civil War).

Battle of Stones River - Winner, Map & Summary | HISTORY
Stone’s River

Peanuts thought for the day:

TOMORROW January 3rd is:

National Chocolate Covered Cherry Day (Mom would have loved that!); National Drinking Straw Day.

Take Snoopy’s advise and be yourself! God bless…

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New Year’s Day 2024

I think I will join Lucy’s sentiments – even though I’ve only experienced about 18 hours of it, this year seems suspiciously like any other year and not new at all! One of my favorite Peanuts quotes.

Since I got all the decorations taken down and tucked away yesterday, I spent today getting the house back to rights. Mostly it was cleaning, but I also did three loads of laundry and tackled a few little chores that I had been putting off through the holidays.

Again, room are back to order.

As much as I am NOT a fan of snow, because I was staying in all day I enjoyed seeing the ground and the trees and bushes all covered. The neighbor’s dark green door wreath with a bright red bow looked especially festive. And the azalea outside my living room window was perfectly dusted in a white dress. But it didn’t last long.

Neighbor’s wreath
Azalea bush

I decided – as I took the trash out this afternoon – that my new garbage can is big enough to be an addition on my house. I can’t reach the bottom, so here’s hoping I don’t drop anything in there or I’ll have to get a ladder and crawl in! It’s a super sturdy, huge sized and very very nice garbage can.

When I was cleaning I realized that there was a suitcase that I kept extra blankets in that I didn’t look at for winter blankets. I found another one! It’s a new one that I bought after Christmas last year and forgot about. So I added it to the rest.

Birthdays today: Paul Revere 1737; Betsy Ross 1752

Peanuts Thought for the Day:

TOMORROW January 2nd is:

National Cream Puff Day; National Buffet Day; National Personal Trainer Awareness Day; National Science Fiction Day.

Not a fan of any of that, basically. But Aunt Darlene would have been at New City Buffet in a heartbeat! I still miss her, and half expect to get a call from her to meet her there! If you are going back to work tomorrow, stay calm. God bless.

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New Year’s Eve 2023

It doesn’t feel like New Year’s Eve and it doesn’t feel like Sunday. It still felt strange not teaching Sunday school. Next week, back to schedule. Todd’s message was POWER IN A SHADOW – people watch us and we have an influence on them whether we choose to or not. What impact will you leave? Are we reflecting God’s influence in our lives in our shadows? We have a brand new year ahead of us – take the 20 second challenge and step out – 20 seconds of insane courage to make a difference in someone’s life. Reach out.

Once I got home and had lunch I started on my list. I took all the window clings down – which was the last box to do before the trees. That one thing makes such a major difference in every room! I switched out the drink coasters from Christmas to winter, repackaged the leftover cookies into smaller containers, got the calendars ready for the big midnight switch, and changed the outdoor flags to New Year’s and winter. Finally tucked Snoopy into his storage shelf, too. AND — the car is back in the garage!

‘Sisters’ vacation photos
My Graduation picture shelf – Wait! How did Cameron get on that shelf??? 🙂
Shelves restacked
Car finally back inside.

The rooms look empty but peaceful. I adjusted the location of a few items but nothing major. Everything is still very dusty and dirty, but everything is put away. My feet hurt – I made a hundred trips up and down the steps. Tomorrow I have all day to clean and do laundry. No other plans…

Winter blankets
Blankets – Ready for snuggling
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Living Room back to normal
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Kitchen-12-23.jpg
No more tree – or decorations



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TOMORROW January 1st is:

National Bloody Mary Day; National Hangover Day (???); National Thank God It’s Monday Day; New Year’s Day.

Happy New Year – start the day off by being thankful for all the wonderful things in your life, and for a brand new year to look forward to! Be safe! God bless...

Happy New Year – My Incredible Website
I have this quote on my desk at work…
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December 30, 2023

So today I hit the ground running! So much time, so little to do. Strike that; reverse it (Quote from Willie Wonka!!).

Willy Wonka Archives | Willy wonka, Willy wonka quotes ...

I’m going to skip the post today because I have things piled all over the place and just need to keep moving. I did take a lovely hour out of my morning to talk to Gen (from New York). Then my friend Teresa called in the afternoon and we discussed a tentative ‘date’ to go to L&L, Miller’s Crossing, and RAVE. So that’s coming up very soon. One of my happy places: Fleatiques!

L&L Fleatique | Adamsburg PA

Have a great evening and a fun day tomorrow. If you have plans for New Year’s Eve be safe and happy. Hugs to all! God bless.

Happy New Year 2024 Images - Free Download on Freepik

TOMORROW December 31st is:

National Champagne Day; Universal Hour of Peace; New Year’s Eve; Make Up Your Mind Day (about what, I didn’t research…); Leap Second Time Adjustment Day. That needs checked out!

Happy New Year!!!

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December 29, 2023

Today is my favorite sister’s birthday! I dropped off Susie Squirrel, because it’s her turn to stay with Kathy for the next six months – until my birthday. Kathy had to work today so I didn’t get to see her, but hopefully she enjoyed her day and will be happy to have Susie back in residence. Happy birthday, sweet sister!

At Uncle Jim’s pond
Sisters at the concert
Making friends with a snowman
My first day of school
Susie Squirrel ready for the snow!
She’s with her reindeer buddy….

So after work and lunch I started putting holiday decorations away. Today is supposed to be the best day weather-wise so I took care of all the outside decorations first. I put the reindeer in the shed (I always hate to put them away!), gathered up all the other outside decorations, and changed the Christmas lights to blue/white for winter. I did leave snoopy up until the weekend. He gets put away last anyway.

No reindeer, but Snoopy and winter lights…

I took the lights and garlands down and the windows look dark and bare. It’s hard to get used to the house as things are tucked away. But once it’s all cleaned up I’ll welcome the relative plain-ness of it all. More to do tomorrow.

Garland and lights off the steps


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TOMORROW December 30th is:

National Bicarbonate of Soda Day; Falling Needles Family Fest Day (???); Bacon Day.

I’ll go with the bacon! Then I’ll get back to tucking Christmas 2023 away! God bless…

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December 28, 2023

Today was my niece Sarah’s birthday – Happy birthday Sarah! Hope you had a wonderful day – celebrate you!

No photo description available.
Kyle and Sarah – 10 years ago!
Happy birthday Sarah!!!

Kelly, Matt and the boys got here about 10:30am. We just hung around the house – then ordered pizza for lunch. Matt ran to Walmart for a few things, and Peyton went down to the car wash to clean up his truck – he drove separately, OF COURSE!!! The boys set up their video stations in the spare room while Kelly made more tassel caps. She’s sold a number of them already – custom made.

May be an image of hat
Any color – she’ll make it!

I fussed around a bit and got the kitchen ready for supper, and organized the day a little bit. Of course, when everyone got there at 4pm I totally forgot to take pictures. I did get a few of Cameron while we were waiting on Nate, Jen and Chris – but then I was busy and all thoughts of the camera flew right out of mind!

Kelly and Cameron playing
Santa in training
Keeping his toes warm

We did gifts and snacks when Nate got there. Everyone seemed pleased with their gifts, and the kids were way too generous to me. I got a new HUGE outdoor trash can with wheels and a lid, and Sherree (Jen’s mom) had an M&M jar custom made for me. What a sweet gesture and I love it. I also got other things and they were all perfect. I loved all the gifts equally, but I really desperately needed a new trash can (the old one was falling apart) and the candy jar was very unexpected! Thanks to everyone!!

Heavy duty on wheels
Custom gift!

Matt spent a bit of time searching for viruses on my computer and did get them all cleaned out. Everything is running as it should now. I’m very happy about that!

Easy Ways to Avoid Computer Viruses - Tech Talk - Outsource IT

No backed-up drains, the laundry room stayed clean and dry, and the day went very well. It was a great day spent with family and I felt extra blessed and thankful It was a fun day!

Still dry!


A Verse of the day – Marcus Stanley


50 Best Quotes About Time for 2023 | Reader's Digest

TOMORROW December 29th:

National Pepper Pot Day; Tick Tock Day; No Interruptions Day.

Tomorrow is my sister’s birthday! Celebrating my best friend and life support system! Guaranteed I’ll have bunches of interruptions! Always happens. I’ll eat some M&M’s and be fine. God bless…

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December 27, 2023

I climbed out of bed this morning ready to accomplish a long list. Yesterday was a bit of a trial – So I put it all behind me and started the day fresh. Since the drains are fixed and cleaned out (for now – long story), I was able to do a load of laundry, all my dishes, get a shower and eat breakfast. The horses were out in the field. As I watched, the one on the right took off, and the one on the left threw himself on the ground and rolled around on his back. Then he jumped up and galloped off. It was neat to watch!!!

The last of the debris left from the drain back-up
Morning entertainment

My first tasks (well, after all that!) was to make deviled eggs and Oreo Ice Cream for tomorrow. I was just finishing up and my friend Bear called me – he’s off this week and Connie is working so I think he was bored! We worked at Smail’s together for years, and I am his #1 fan (he’s the actor), and we have known each other for over 40 years. So we talked for over an hour!

Me with Bear this summer

By then it was lunch time and I had a piece of ham and a cookie. I spent the rest of the day cleaning. But I did get a txt from Chrissy and Hope and they needed a ride to Autmn’s. She got a vacuum and a rug scrubber for Christmas from her mom, and she’s determined to get the house organized and deep cleaned. So I took them down, and got my baby hugs. We interrupted his bottle so he wasn’t happy for very long.

“They took my food!!!”
“There it is!!”
Yum – Auntie Hope to the rescue

Chrissy took some pictures of the clouds for me since I was driving. On the way home there were clouds floating on the ground. I wanted to stop and photo them all — but I came home and finished cleaning.

The clouds were slipping down into the hills.
Beginning of sunset

I saw a really funny post on facebook and it reminded me of Chase – he’s my Goldfish fanatic! He might go for this!

Feast of the Seven Fishes (Minus the wine, of course!)

I still have ironing to do and a few cards to write out and then supper. Everything else is ready for tomorrow; I will make the sloppy joe’s in the morning. Oh! I wore a pair of the earrings that Alea made! Cool!

They match the necklace…


Photo by ventilattexD | Scripture, Faith inspiration, Bible


Quote by Mark Potter / Jesus, like any good fisherman, first... —  Heartlight® Gallery

TOMORROW December 28th is:

National Short Film Day; National Card Playing Day; National Chocolate Candy Day; Pledge of Allegiance Day; Holy Innocents Day.

Tomorrow is Burke Christmas Day. I’m excited to have everyone here. Noah even switched his day off so he’ll be here all day, which is fun. God bless…

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December 26, 2023

Today has been a long, busy day – with more to come over the next few days.

So I am not doing a post this evening! After I clean tomorrow I will catch up! God bless….

Tomorrow December 27th is National Fruitcake Day. Oh Joy! God bless…

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Christmas Day 2023

When Diane’s SONG OF THE DAY came across this morning, I listened to it, got up and went to the bathroom, re-heated my rice bag, and crawled back in bed and read for an hour! Didn’t have to hurry for anything! My Christmas present to myself.

Song of the day – Peanuts theme

After a shower and breakfast, I mixed up brownies – special request for dessert at Nate’s tonight. I washed up the dishes and they were messy with chocolate, and when I went downstairs to throw the kitchen towels in the laundry basket — the drain had backed up again! And it was still overflowing. It wasn’t going down at all. I was so upset. It took an hour before it soaked down the drain to a normal level. I cleaned everything up but was nervous about running water.


I did finally get brave enough to flush the downstairs toilet – and thankfully it didn’t back up. I can’t WAIT for the plumber to get back here tomorrow. But I suddenly remembered that Ron had left me a small Peanuts gift bag to open today, so I did that. It was a lovely little angel ornament and a candle. I really love the candle. So that cheered me up at least. It’s been a very weird and difficult holiday – as I mentioned yesterday!

But I watched an old black & white version of Christmas in Connecticut before heading down to Nate’s. Jen made a wonderful supper – so much food! I couldn’t even taste everything that she had! The kids chipped in (but Chrissy came up with the idea and did the ordering) to get me a blanket. It has the five grand-kids’ names and their birth-month flower on it. It was a teary moment!

It was before Cameron was born…

We took a lot of photos – so here are pictures of Christmas Day at Nathan and Jen’s!!

Piggy likes to cover his nose with the blanket – he can do it himself…
Some decorations
Nate’s creative home-made tree
Me holding Cameron –
He’s holding on to my necklace!
Me with Nate – under his very creative and cat-proof tree!
Jen and Nate with Cameron
Noah & Autmn – matching PJ’s –
with Cameron
Cameron in his brand-new (for Nate’s house) Pack n Play
Testing out the new Pack n Play – he’s still holding my necklace!
Closeup holding the necklace!
Puppers (Nate) with Cameron
Jen with Cameron
Jen, Sherree holding Cameron, Ranger the crazy dog.
Chrissy holding Cameron – but Ranger won’t be left out!



Best Peace Quotes - Bits of Positivity

TOMORROW December 26th is:

National Whiners Day; National Thank You Note Day; National Candy Cane Day; Boxing Day.

Tomorrow is a full moon – the Christmas Moon. Maybe it will be like A TIMELESS CHRISTMAS (It’s a book and a movie) and travel forward in time 100 years! For me, tomorrow is back to work and hopefully plumber day! God bless…

Looks full to me!
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Christmas Eve 2023

It felt strange to take my time this morning – being there was no Sunday School! But I did get to see Grace and Max all dressed up. I know the other kids were there but I didn’t catch up with them.


Todd’s message this morning was the Wonder of Christmas. Taking notes was a bit tricky, because the bulletin was printed on black paper with white printing and holly. I wrote things down but am having trouble seeing what I wrote. But the bulletin is cool looking!

The WONDER is in what Jesus did for us. We have made ‘wonder’ a common word. Why did he come as a baby? That was Act One. The best is yet to come. Our Father goes to great length to see that we get Home. Live in the WONDER of what is yet to come!

Definition of ‘Wonder’

So after lunch I decided to finally tackle the fudge. Since the bread did NOT turn out like anticipated, I was nervous about even trying. It took several hours of mixing, stirring, boiling, cooling and pouring, but the fudge DID come out! Hardened up nicely. I will take a little bit of it over to Kathy’s. This is Mom’s recipe and we grew up watching and helping and eating the yummy fudge! I have it in the pink bowl that she always put it in and sat it on the table. It’s very sweet so a little bite goes a long way!

Waiting (im)patiently for the right temperature

Our special evening Christmas Eve service was so nice. Todd had the kids up on stage and gave them all a cookie, then showed a short nativity video told by kids. It was very cute. He had an adult message after that, then the candles were lit. We made a circle around the room and they turned off all the lights and sang Silent Night. It’s so much nicer than just sitting in our seats.

Worship team – except for Isaac on drums – he was behind the screen

I am going to Kathy’s at 8pm so I’m going to close this out so I am ready to head over shortly. Happy Christmas Eve – Jump in bed and cover you head cause Santa Clause comes tonight!

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Matthew 1:21 She will give birth to a son, and you are to ...


TOMORROW December 25th is:

National Pumpkin Pie Day; Christmas Day; A’phabet Day or No ‘L’ Day! (cute)

Have a wonderful, blessed Christmas Day – and celebrate the reason for the season. God bless us, every one!

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