I decided that I was going to try to drink more water every day. So, that sort of backfired. I was up every hour going to the bathroom. I felt like a bag of popcorn – up, down, up down. But I’m still going to try to drink the water – just maybe not quite so much, at least to start with. I’m feeling sleepy right now – the only thing helping is the beautiful sunshine!
Our Sunday School lesson was the 10 plagues. As I predicted, the boys were all in! They had lots of support stories about blood and flies and frogs. I txt Mary and said we had better stick to 5 plagues today and 5 next Sunday and it’s a good thing we did. There was a lot of time spent discussing their personal experiences in addition to those of the Egyptians! I think they had a good time. They thought it would be interesting to see a frog sitting on my head…
When I got home I decided to bite the bullet (not the frog) and wash the Jeep. A trip to Smicksburg and several to Nate’s did a number on the car. I bundled up in layers, got my soapy water and rags ready, hooked up the hose, and dragged the step-stool outside – and realized that I had turned the spigot off inside for the winter. SO… I had to go inside and climb up on the step stool and turn the water back on behind the laundry tub. It was a little chilly but it was worth the effort. I’d be embarrassed if the guys got a customer on my car and I had to switch out a filthy vehicle. All good!
I made a pretty good salad for lunch – lettuce, cauliflower, carrots, celery, boiled egg, cheese, and chicken. Plus a small piece of garlic bread. I’m saving the potato soup (which I did make last night) for supper or tomorrow.
Friday night I watched MURDER AT THE BREAKERS and really enjoyed it. Of course it was somewhat different from the book, but all in all it was a pretty good adaptation. The fun thing was the setting, and the characters, and the story line was easy to follow while still weaving a mystery though the clues and the hints. I hope Hallmark keeps going and picks up more of Alyssa’s books. I’d be super excited if my book was picked up as a movie, especially for Hallmark!
Trivia: Unicorn is the national animal of what country? Answer tomorrow.
PEANUTS Thought for the Day:
TOMORROW February 5th is:
National Shower with a Friend Day; National Weatherperson’s Day.
No shower for me, thanks – Tomorrow is a work day and do some laundry. Have a happy Monday! God bless…
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