September 12, 2024

Yesterday when I went for my test the city was tearing down the old parking garage. It was condemned a few years ago, and they can’t move forward with any new projects until that building is gone. It was amazing to see all the equipment and huge chunks of concrete being thrown over the side. But — on to today.

Dr. Tammy had FAXed a request for me to be excused from Jury duty today, because of the disruption of the cough and everything that went with it. They don’t notify you if they accepted your requests so I had to prepare for the day and get up there and park (no easy feat sometimes!). When I checked in they sent me across the hall and pulled up my record and told me kindly (yes, really!) that I was excused. I was so relieved. I am very tired of dealing with this cough, and avoid situations (when I can) that put me in a public situation. I was very thankful.

At the courthouse at 8am

I stopped at work and handled two titles, then came home. I just took my time doing my chores. I told Kelly I would try to make cookies (which I did, but not my best offering). I also mixed up scones to bake in the morning. Kelly loves scones and we were all out and she’ll be up all weekend.

One out of three containers that I froze.
Scones to bake in the morning

By late afternoon it was cooler and the back yard was in the shade, so I pulled the dead morning glories off the fence. It’s a tedious job, but once they die off and turn ugly yellow and brown they need to come down. It’s not a bad job to do because I don’t have to climb around in the plants or weeds.

Morning glories blooming.
Droopy and faded.
Half done
All done.

Tomorrow I will get ready for the weekend and Kelly’s visit. Also need to pick up some food. And do some laundry. But I have the whole day and can space things out.

This weekend.

My blessing today was not having to disrupt a jury trial with my coughing!

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

TOMORROW September 13th is:

Bald is Beautiful Day (?); Defy Superstition Day; International Chocolate Day; National Blame Someone Else Day; National Doodle Day; National Hug Your Boss Day; National Kids Take Over the Kitchen Day; National Peanut Day (not the Snoopy gang Peanuts. The food!); Positive Thinking Day; Supernatural Day; Uncle Sam Day; National Toast Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was National Test Day. Tomorrow I’ll go for the Chocolate. I hate to blame anyone for anything. I’d for sure hug my bosses if I was working tomorrow. I am trying very hard to think positive about getting to the bottom of this ailment! Uncle Sam day reminds me of Dan Rice. Tomorrow is also Matt’s birthday!! Have a happy Friday. God bless…

What do you think?
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September 11, 2024

The big question of the day would be — where were you when the planes went into the Twin Towers, and Flight 93 crashed in Shanksville? I was at work, and my friend Donna came into the office and said a plane flew into one of the towers. It wasn’t until the second one crashed that we realized something enormous was happening. After the plane crashed in Shanksville, it got eerily quiet. Route 30 was almost empty except for dozens of emergency vehicles racing toward the mountain. I walked outside to go next door and there wasn’t a plane or the sound of one in sight.

At work….

And by the way, if you have never visited the Flight 93 Memorial you really should. You walk away from there a changed person.

Kelly was working at Troutmans and she came down to be in the office with us. I think everyone I talked to had called their mom. Everyone just wondered what would be next. It was a horror to think about, and I slipped upstairs to the executive conference room to watch the TV up there whenever I could. The coverage shook everyone to the bone. How thankful I am for the relative peace and calm in which we are currently living. It’s certainly not perfect, but it’s America!

Will we ever forget that image?

So, today I spent the morning cleaning the upstairs, then went for my pulmonary challenge test. I knew it would be stressful because I already had issues catching my breath when I coughed (which is frequent!). The first thing the tech did was do a base-line test to get my breathing numbers without medication or restriction. They were too low! The test is too risky if the numbers are below a certain level. She called the pulmonologist who confirmed that I couldn’t have the test. That just means that I probably am already experiencing what they were trying to see if I had! But now we need to decide if I should have other tests, different meds, or which way to go…

I came home and cleaned the rest of the house and did a load of towels. Nate stopped over a bit and it was good to have an unhurried visit from him. I called the Jury ‘hotline’ and there were no jurors excused – so I have to report in the morning. I can see me coughing and choking and gasping for air in the middle of a trial! Hopefully they will let me leave if I explain – I’ve heard they do that. (I do have a letter from my doctor…)


I was sitting here typing and a United Healthcare commercial came on. The background music was Wouldn’t it be Nice. A little ray of sunshine in a crazy day!

My blessing today – despite the obvious down side – was that I did NOT have to have that stressful breathing challenge test!

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

Wisdom from the Peanuts Cartoon Characters - Melanie Redd
I’m trying to remember that!

TOMORROW September 12th is:

Are You OK Day; National Chocolate Milkshake Day; National Day of Encouragement; National Police Woman Day; National School Picture Day; National Test Day; National Video Game Day; National Hug and High 5 Day; National Just One Human Family Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was National Cricket Day. Tomorrow? I’m ALL ABOUT the Chocolate Milkshake! Encouragement is always great, and I appreciate people being so supportive with all my crazy issues this summer. Chase will (of COURSE) celebrate video games, and we should all share a hug! God bless…

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September 10, 2024

I feel like my cough is dissipating a bit, but still has a ways to go. It’s not quite as threatening or as intense as it was, but a few times a day I still feel shook by it. My doctor says sometimes it can hang on for a month or two!

After I got cleared to have my medical test tomorrow, I came home and had breakfast. I made a batch of pancakes. Ate 2 and froze the rest. I thought that would be better than buying frozen ones.

Next, I went to my dentist appointment. I figured the way things had been going this summer I’d have issues but everything was perfect! Amazing! I got a cleaning and a fluoride treatment and a new tube of fluoride (sensitive) toothpaste. I didn’t have to go to work today. I did see that Joe posted on facebook that all the cars are gone now at the Greensburg location and the lot is empty. It sort of makes me a little emotional — I’ll miss going there, and miss working with Joe. He’ll be in the Jeannette store occasionally but not like it was. Good luck, Joe! I know ‘semi-retirement’ will be perfect and you’ll be supper happy!

My recommended toothpaste
May be an image of 4 people, parking meter, street and road
Last cars leaving the lot.

I wanted to pull out a picture of Grama Crooks’ house – I did find one but I thought there would be more. I’ll keep looking through Mom’s old photos, too. Then I sorted out my garden flags as I told Kathy I’d share some with her.

May be an image of French lavender and text that says '金 GR the bes to'
Grama’s house…

Diane sent me a photo from her hike today – It’s Jewel Weed, and the stems help dry up poison ivy. Good to know!

It was a beautiful day outside so I took half an hour and cleaned up a small section of the hill. Still a lot to do but there’s a lot of fall left to do it in!

The top part, between the walk and the stones, is done
Below the walk..

I took a shower (as I always do after being in the yard) and now it’s time to finish up the day. Hope to read a few more stories – I did several last night.

My blessing today was comfortable reports at my appointments.

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

Wit & Wisdom sl

TOMORROW September 11th is:

National Hot Cross Bun Day; National Make Your Bed Day; No News is Good News Day; Patriot Day; National Cricket Day.

There was no fake day yesterday. Tomorrow – as EVERY day – I will make my bed. And I’m sure everyone will stop to remember where they were when the Twin Towers went down. As well as Shanksville. God bless us, every one…

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September 9, 2024

I slept pretty well the first part of the night, but woke up coughing at 4am. Took me an hour to get back to sleep; I was wide awake. I ended up becoming addicted to those little dog videos, some of which are really funny and some are just plain stupid. I just kept scrolling through…

One of many….

There were a few things to do in Jeannette this morning, but I doubt there will be much more for me in Greensburg. I think Joe has everything under control. Rege and I sat for almost an hour comparing cough symptoms. I’m not sure what this is – allergies, illness, (Not COVID, we were both tested), common cold, etc) – but we certainly have had weeks of this. I left the store and went to Walmart in Irwin just for a change of pace. Rege asked me to look for his favorite cough drops, which are hard to find. I was happy to do that and ended up getting him two packages. That should get him through a couple of days!

I came home and had my yellow squash for lunch, started a laundry load, changed clothes, and cut the grass. It was a perfect day for that – very cool and sunny. I don’t mind mowing but these days it does make me tired quickly.

Side yard
Very bottom yard

Normally I’m not a big TV person – I pick a show or two to watch in the evening after all the chores are done. But being low-key this summer has had me sitting more. I have gone through every episode of My Lottery Dream Home, Houses with History, Farmhouse Fixer, Fixer to Fabulous, and Home Town several times each. I’m very selective of the Hallmark movies that I watch, and tire of them easily. I’ve read a complete book almost every two days, and that doesn’t count the time I spend going to work, running errands, doing yardwork, and occasionally having fun! I just finished the first book in the Williamsburg Novels – and am starting the second book later this evening, after I read a few of the Flash Fiction contest stories. All the while wishing I would just stop coughing!

Second book.

My blessing for today was making Sir Regis happy with his cough drops!

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

TOMORROW September 10th is:

National Ants on a Log Day; National TV Dinner Day; Swap Ideas Day; White Balloon Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was Rock Paper Scissors day. Tomorrow- I’ll eat dinner while watching TV! I guess that’s not the idea, but it’s the best I can do. God bless…

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September 8, 2024

I did more today than I have in a while. I just couldn’t stay inside. But I was careful not to over do it or sit among the plants on the hill. I wasn’t out there very long but I really feel like the fresh air was good for me.

Cleaned up the stones a bit.
Mostly done….

Birds planted some morning glory seeds in the bottom yard….

They look beautiful!

Before going to my own Sunday school class I popped in on Kim and Stephanie. We got the schedule ironed out. Then Izabela came in and we discussed new curriculum, which sounds like a perfect fit. Mary and I will teach in October.

Since I was still coughing some, I used the first 20 minutes of church time to put up the fall bulletin board in the 4’s and 5’s classroom. I got upstairs just in time for the sermon – perfect timing.

Ready for fall

During the closing (church) Todd had Miss Dianne go up, and the kids from Children’s Church presented her with a thank you card and a beautiful plant. The vase has the kids’ fingerprints on it to make the design. She has been teaching the children and/or youth for longer than I have! I’m so glad they did something to honor all that she’s done. Izabela will be the Children’s Ministry Director from here on out. I’m sure Dianne will still be part of the ministry in some way. It’s in her heart to be with the little ones.

Max making the presentation on behalf of the kids.

Pictures of flags and welcome mats:

Mini flag by bottom door….
…That matches big one by driveway.
Mini flag by the white fence.
Snoopy always welcomes Fall to the front yard!
Welcome Fall at the back doors
At the front deck

My blessing for today was fresh air, blue skies, and sunshine!

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

TOMORROW September 9th is:

Care Bears Share your Care Day; Emergency Services Day; National Rock Paper Scissors Day; International Box Wine Day; National When Pigs Fly Day; National Wiener Schnitzel Day; Teddy Bear Day; Wonderful Weirdos Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was Sweep the Floor Day. Tomorrow – I’ll warn Jen that Piggy Smalls may take to the airways. It’s always good to show you care. And everyone should have a Teddy Bear! God bless…

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September 7, 2024

Yea for me – I finally got some of the Flash Fiction stories read. They are just about what I expected! Some were very clever, some ordinary, some I’m embarrassed to say I didn’t understand at ALL, which could either me be or the writer! I’m not entirely good with mythology. I still have 35 stories to read and score.

You know — like a Phoenix…

Typical Saturday morning – changed and washed bed sheets. I also put the fall flags out – I was going to wait but it was so cool today I was inspired. And since it wasn’t dark enough last night to get pictures of the deck lights, I am including them here.

Back deck
Front deck
Front walk

I also balanced the checkbook, and low and behold it balanced the very first time to the penny! Wow. I guess my ‘new method’ worked! I went into town and got gas for the Mazda and for the mower. Also decided to make potato soup. It should be light on my stomach. I felt a slight improvement today but not enough to be happy about.

I don’t take mowing-selfies…..

Today’s blessing was sunshine and beautiful skies!

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

May be an image of text
Try again tonight….

TOMORROW September 8th is:

National Actor’s Day; National Sweep the Floor Day; Grandparents Day; International Literacy Day; National Dog Walkers Appreciation Day; National Hug Your Hound Day; National Iguana Awareness Day; Star Trek Day; World Ampersand Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was National Shell Day. Tomorrow- I’ll celebrate my dear actor friend Bear! And as a grandparent, I could appreciate that! Happy Sunday – God bless…

My friend Bear (Barry)
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September 6, 2024

Started out this morning with an appointment with Tammy at Dr. Cole’s office. She was very thorough and we went over everything. She read all my most recent test results and notes from the last month. I am trying the change in medication she recommended and will go in again on Tuesday morning.

Beach tree in doctor’s office

When I came home I did a load of laundry, made a hamburger for lunch, did the ironing, and changed the lights on both decks. My 1776 flag disintegrated so I put the fall one up early.

Fall on on the right – little Snoopy Halloween one on lower left.

I forgot to get gas for the mower so I guess that is tomorrow’s task. I caught up my check register and wrote out a few payments so that’s done for now. These days haven’t been very exciting but I am keeping up with everything (except weeding!) and can do what I need to do.

First tree I’ve seen with colors changing – in my neighbor’s yard.

My blessing for today was keeping up with my to do list!

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

TOMORROW September 7th is:

Buy a Book Day; National Shell Day; National Grama Moses Day; International Bacon Day; International Day of Clean Air; National Acorn Squash Day; National Beer Lovers Day; National Feel the Love Day; National Grateful Patient day; National Hummingbird Day; National Tailgating Day; National Play Outside Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was National Picture Day. Tomorrow – definitely buy a book! Or two or ten… Maybe have some bacon. I love to watch the hummingbirds so maybe one will come tomorrow. I am a very grateful patient to have so many nice people working to figure this out. God bless…

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September 5, 2024

There were several deals to do in Jeannette, but Joe is still busy cleaning out and I didn’t have to go up there. Sir Rege and I were comparing coughs and vacations. Diverse topics! I left there and went straight to Norwin Square for my medical test. The technician was very nice and the whole process took almost no time at all. I even had time to stop in Aldi (which was right next door!) and even grab a few ears of corn from a farmer’s truck in the parking lot. (Well, I DID pay for them…)

Not as good as Palmers or from the farm, but it was still a good lunch
Especially paired with the Cherry tomatoes Mr. G. brought over last night!

After lunch (corn!) I reattached several cylinders on the wind chime. They keep falling off! I took about 15 minutes and cleaned up the two flower beds lining the bottom driveway.

Fixed the wind chimes…

The doctor’s office called me with a change in medication for my cough, so I buzzed over to Walmart to pick it up. Hoping it helps; but either way I have an appointment in the morning. I need to regroup and see what’s going on. My pulmonary appointment isn’t until the end of September and that’s too long to drag this out.

New meds – we shall see!

The annual Flash Fiction Contest is in full swing, and as a reader for the stories I downloaded everything and made a list to keep track of scores. There are 53 stories. Seems like I’ll be busy…

53 stories to read.

My blessing for today was to get the first medical test done and behind me!

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

May be an image of text

TOMORROW September 6th is:

Bring your Manners to Work Day; Fight Procrastination Day; Great Egg Toss Day; National Picture Day; National 401(k) Day; National Coffee Ice Cream Day; National Food Bank Day; National Lazy Mom’s Day; National Read a Book Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was Lazy day. As you can see they put that off until tomorrow… My sister loves Coffee Ice Cream. I will FOR SURE read a book! God bless…

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September 4, 2024

For no other reason than I did nothing but clean and laundry, I am not doing a post! Nothing exciting to report, nothing new, and several yummy chapters in the book I’m reading left for the evening.

My blessing today was a quiet, slow day.

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

Pin page

TOMORROW September 5th is:

International Day of Charity; National Act Dumb Day; National Be Late for Something Day; National Lazy Day; National Cheese Pizza Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was National Grant Day. Tomorrow- Cheese pizza – but NOT be late!!! God bless…

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September 3, 2024

Work was a little busy this morning – but not too crazy. I did the deals and titles that were in the Jeannette store; then Ken needed a ride back to Greensburg, where I was headed anyway. Joe was ready to have the license plates sent back, so I worked on those letters while he and Ken took the last of the inventory to Jeannette. Then I went back to Jeannette to package up the plates and print labels. Finally got everything to the post office – and said hello to Dad on the way past!

Hi, Dad!

I talked to Kelly for a few minutes – apparently Peyton decided to do the bull riding at the West Alexander fair yesterday. She sent me a few pictures, but they aren’t real clear. He only stayed on a few seconds, but he’s determined to try again next year. I was glad to get pictures once I knew he was fine and what the outcome was! Kelly refused to go watch – Matt took the pictures!

Getting on the bull…
Riding the bull…
Bull – 1; Peyton – 0

Nate came over after work and cut up the old deck boards. They fit in his car just fine and he hauled them down to his dumpster.

Boards are gone

It sounds boring but that’s really all I did for the day. It’s after 6pm and once I post this, I’m about done, except for the ironing.

My blessing for today was a low-key day!

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

May be a doodle of text

TOMORROW September 4th is:

Eat an Extra Dessert Day; National Macadamia Nut Day; National Grant Day; National Wildlife Day; National Spice Blend Day; National Newspaper Carrier Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was National Formula Day. Tomorrow – I’ll take the dessert. God bless…

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