Today is Uncle Clifford’s birthday! Happy birthday, UC – sending love and wishing you many, many more!

Today after work and lunch I threw in a load of laundry then went out on the hill and finished weeding the last section. Beth and Harold are coming tomorrow to see if the hill project is something Harold could tackle. I don’t want him to tackle it if he’s not 100% comfortable with the project! But at least the weeding is done.

I know you’ve heard of the Book of the Month club. I am starting a new club: Garden Clippers of the Month club. So far this summer I have broken or destroyed at least 5 pair of garden clippers. Sigh. I’m not sure what happens. I’m just snipping away and the spring pops off or the screw comes out or the handle comes loose. I had quite a time this afternoon just getting through the last section – none of my clippers worked!

Autmn brought me several boxes of Chex cereal yesterday – there was a special offer that if you bought 3 you got a free Peanuts tin. So I spent some time today at work with Ken helping me uploading the boxtops and the receipts. Now to wait for the 8 weeks until I get my tin!

With the bright sun shining on the trees this afternoon the neighbor’s two trees were in full glory. I always look forward to them being bright red and orange at the same time.

I thought this facebook post was hysterical! I love it!

My blessing today was definitely finishing up the weeding without wheezing, coughing, getting stuffed up or sneezing!
PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

TOMORROW October 22nd is:
International Caps Lock Day; National Tansy Day; National Color Day; National Make a Dog’s Day; National Nut Day; Scar Appreciation Day; Smart is Cool Day; National Tavern Style Pizza Day.
Yesterday’s fake day was National Candy Day. Tomorrow: Caps lock (hehe), Color, and Pizza. And I have plenty of scars, inside and out! God bless…
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