Sunday March 8th 2015

snowy moms.3 3-15

We arrived at mom’s just a little before dusk on Friday, but by the time we had eaten our grilled cheese and soup, the full moon had risin and was glistening on the snow – all 18 inches of it!  So peaceful and beautiful!

My parents are in good health and great spirits, and we thoroughly enjoyed our visit.  One of our chores was dumping the compost bucket out in the wood.  My short little mother gets lost in the snowdrifts so we bundled up and set out.  We didn’t have boots high enough to tramp through the deep snow, so we taped Walmart bags over our boots and pantlegs.Snowy moms.1 3-15

Then we set out.  We had fun following the paths around the driveway, then trudging through the uncharted fields. 





Kath led the way, so I could follow in her footsteps.  As it should be – she’s the perfect person to emulate! 

As we pulled out of the driveway on Saturday, the view of the old farmhouse, with the inviting porch Snowy moms 3-15and the two precious people inside, I was struck again by the fact that I am blessed beyond words – to have such wonderful parents, a kindred-spirit sister, and a family who loves each other and their God.  Indeed, a priceless blessing!

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