February 1, 2021

Well, I braved the cold and snow this morning and shoveled my driveway, first thing. For me that was a little after 7:30am. I had about half of it done when my neighbor popped over to say hi and see how I was. As usual, we got to chatting and it was after 9am when I finally finished the chore. It was clear all day but I think it will snow again tonight. When I was done work, I was able to get the blanket I wanted for my mom for Easter. If you don’t get it now, you won’t get it. So I did! And I also picked up what I need to make stuffed pepper soup tomorrow. Yum.

I happened to glance out my window after lunch, and saw these two gentlemen taking a stroll up Wren Drive. It’s not so unusual – we have a lot of walkers in the neighborhood. I said hello, but…. no response!

They just walked up the road like they lived there —
…Maybe they do!!!

My sympathies go out to one of my bosses – Barry Freger. His father Ralph passed away over the weekend. Ralph had a rough go over the last several months and it was not an easy time. My prayers and thoughts are with Barry and his family.

I will share Micah’s message: Instructions for life. The Bible is our instruction manual. You must carefully teach it, carefully keep it, and carefully choose it. Search for the truth; it’s absolute, not up for debate. Teach: Write it on your heart, hands, and head, and teach with your life. Speak the truth but live it as well. Keep: Love God, walk in his ways, and hold fast to his love and teaching. Choose: is His word a blessing or a curse? You must choose. Obey, and love – you can do it! God forgives our past and gives us a future. Read, obey, and live the Bible.

Micah from Old Mahoning

On this day in 1865 General Sherman’s march through South Carolina began. In 1953 YOU ARE THERE with Walter Cronkite premiered, and in 1965 Peter Jennings (at age 26) became anchor of ABC’s nightly news. Clark Gable was born in 1901 and Lisa Marie Presley in 1968.

Princess of Rock and Roll Lisa Marie Presley
Lisa Maria Presley

TOMORROW is February 2:

Will you watch the movie GROUNDHOG DAY? I may if I think about it! But now the question is: Will he or won’t he see his shadow??? Only the SHADOW knows! God bless….

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