January 31, 2021

I was pleasantly surprised when I awoke to almost no snow – after the treat of horrid weather and the unpredictable prediction of lots! But after the treadmill, shower, breakfast and Paul’s message, I decided to get a few small errands done. I had to return something at Target, pick up paint chips for a possible kitchen project (I know – another one!), look for a blanket for my mom, and grab something quick at Walmart. When Kelly was here, she loved my spring dogwood blanket so I gave it to her, then popped into the store and replaced it. Still trying to find a vaccine list to get on, but no one knows when they will get it. Really, the whole thing (as serious as the situation is!) is a complete zoo of inadequacy, uncertainty, and unavailability. No one knows anything, and you cannot put your name on a waiting list. So, as adamant as everyone is about getting the vaccine, most of us can’t!

New dogwood blanket

Chrissy and Autmn decided to spend the afternoon with me – so they are enjoying GLEE on TV, after having scrounged the plunder in my pantry and made lunch for themselves.

Autmn with my blanket and Chrissy

Paul’s message from River Hill was about Miriam, Moses’s big sister. It was a dark time for the Israelite nation, being in captivity in Egypt. All the baby boys were to be thrown in the Nile river – but when Moses was born his parents knew he was a special child, so they hid him. Finally they had to do something to save him, so they placed him in a basket in the river where the Egyptian princess bathed, and set his sister Miriam to watch. When the princess found him, she had compassion, and instructed her servant to bring her the child. Miriam risked everything to watch over and protect her baby brother, and to reach out to the princess to suggest a nurse. That took amazing courage! Her hope & trust were in God, to care for her and for Moses. WE need to do that; put our hope and trust in God, and he will work it out for good. We all need a Miriam to watch out for us, and we need to BE a Miriam. And when the slave girl rescued the baby, she did not realize that this baby would grow up to be her rescuer, along with all of the Israelites in captivity. We don’t know how God will work things out. We just need to be willing to let Him use us. Be willing to serve in the background, but have the courage to step out. God showered them with blessings and answered their prayers. He even went the extra mile and paid Moses’ family to care for him! Jachebed taught her son about his heritage and about his God, so he was ready when God called him. God is at work in our lives – we must have the courage and faith to trust – he uses our problems to bless our life, not destroy it. He has a plan!

Paul from River Hill

On this day in 1865 Robert E Lee was named commander in chief of the Confederate armies (Civil War). In 1961 MISFITS premiered; it was the final movie for both Clark Gable and Marilyn Monroe. Guy Fawkes (Gunpowder Plot) was hanged at age 35 in 1606, A A Milne (Winnie the Pooh) died in 1956 at age 74, and Samuel Goldwin (the ‘G’ in MGM Studios) died at age 91 in 1974. Justin Timberlake was born in 1981, and my best friend Gen’s son Christopher is celebrating a birthday today! Happy birthday, Chris, and enjoy the day with your wife and little son Jackson Zane! Sending hugs!

Confederate General Robert E. Lee
Robert E Lee
Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, hat, closeup and outdoor
Chris with Jackson and Lauren

TOMORROW February 1 is:

Tomorrow is a brand new month – one more step in the right direction! Have a great day and a wonderful February! God Bless…

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