Monday September 15th 2014

Here we are, half way though September already, and it feels like just yesterday we were enjoying a Labor Day break.  It’s been a wild ride – we just have to hang on!

After our writer’s meeting yesterday, we went for a mid-day walk in the cemetery, totally not expecting to see any deer.  HOWEVER…. We had barely stepped onto the roadway when we spotted them, munching among the tombstones by the wood’s edge.  They seemed unconcerned about our presence.  deer 9-15

We watched them for a few minutes, then tip-toed off in the other direction, leaving them to their snack. And since it was daylight, I was finally able to snap a photo of the military section, so impressive with the cannon and the flags.  The gravestones dated back to at least the early 1900’s.  It is a fitting tribute to those who have fought for our freedom and to preserve peace.  A great reminder, and yet another reason to be thankful.cannon 9-14

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