Thirty Four years ago this week I purchased and moved into this house – first house I ever owned! And here I am, still going strong. But the secret is, mostly it owns ME. It’s always telling me what to do.

Like today — I was outside for almost 2 hours playing in the dirt. I figure if I spend just a little time whenever I get a minute in nice weather, I’ll probably have the gardens weeded and looking good by November…

Diane sent me pictures of her second round of daffodils, and now her forsythia is in bloom. I noticed that my lilacs are budded, and the trees are full. Hoping I get a lot of flowers this year.

My little dancing sun catchers are very happy today. The bear is really going to town, while Santa Snoopy is just nodding away.

And speaking of bears – today is my friend Bear’s birthday. Hope you have a great day, my good friend!

Scripture of the day:


TOMORROW March 19th is:
Certified Nurses Day; International Read to Me Day; National Automatic Door Day; National Backyard Day; National Chocolate Caramel Day; National Let’s Laugh Day; National Poultry Day; National 3-D Day.
Reading is awesome – and so is laughing! And have a chocolate caramel while you’re at it. God bless…
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