April 24, 2022

Today was a beautiful weather day! I think it was nicer than yesterday. After Sunday school and church, I grabbed a quick lunch, changed clothes, then started a pot of veggie soup. I had leftover beef and broth and carrots and noodles so it made sense. I just had a small sample bowl and it was very yummy!

After I set the beef soup bones to simmering, I went outside. My main goal was to get all the lawn decorations out of the shed and put them around the gardens. I usually fret over trying to remember where they went before – but this time I just put them wherever they landed! Everything looks nice and comfy.

Outside for the summer
Peanuts gang hangin’ out.
My angel from Beth in the wheel barrow from the farm.
Remembering Tazz
Mom made this about 40 years ago.
Fairy garden
Side garden finished

While I was working I kept getting whiffs of different scents. The first one I knew was the mulch – not so pleasant. But the second smelled like flowers! I hadn’t bought any, and the hyacinths are done blooming. I happened to look up at the lilac hedge and they are starting to bloom! The whites are most fragrant, then the light violet, then the dark lilacs have the least fragrance. Ironically, the dark (French) lilacs had the most blooms! But those little clusters of white were sending aroma all through the yard. Lovely!

Dark purple (French) lilacs – full bush.
White -two at the top and two at the bottom.
One lone light purple.

Today is Logan’s birthday. Fifteen! Hardly seems possible! His Aunt Kimmie and Uncle Greg were coming in from Altoona and they had a weekend of fun and food planned. I’m steeling a few photos from Kelly’s earlier Facebook post. Happy birthday, Logi!!! Love you!

Happy Birthday – FIFTEEN!
May be an image of 1 person, nature and lake
May be an image of 1 person and animal
Hangin’ with the pigs
May be an image of 1 person, standing and outdoors
May be an image of 2 people and indoor
May be an image of 1 person, sky, tree and nature
May be an image of 1 person, standing, guitar and indoor
Rock and roll
May be an image of 1 person, standing and indoor
Uh, oh!
May be an image of 1 person and outdoors
May be an image of 1 person
Flower child
May be an image of 2 people and indoor

April 24 – Where were your best hide-and-seek places? “In the spring house 🙂 . Sometimes in the barn or the pig pen.” Logan would have felt right at home!!! (And Peyton!)

Yesterday’s vacation destination was in honor of Logan: Universal Studios Harry Potter Kingdom! Here are additional pictures. I have no clue what most of them are!

Hogwarts castle

Calendar inspiration – Snoopy:

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation Destination –

I was here many years ago with my cousin Deb. I’d love to go back!

TOMORROW April 25th is:

I’m pretty sure I won’t hug a plumber, but I’m certain I’ll use my phone! It’s also eight months to Christmas day. I’m not ready for that; I just cleaned up Easter! Happy birthday Logan!! God bless…

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