April 25, 2022

Wow what a crazy couple of weeks this has been. First was my friend Bill Smail passing away, then April’s grandson Griffin. Today I found out that two former Smail employees – who I worked with for better than 20 years! – both passed within a few days of each other. One was quite a shock.

Bob Zumbro – or Zum to those of us who knew him well – has lived in Florida these past 15 years because of health reasons. I knew he wasn’t well but it’s still sad to hear. Zum and I started out as best enemies. He was a very ‘rough’ biker; strong language, strong appearance, strong history of wild behavior. In truth, he scared me! As we worked together, I discovered that there was a super nice, kind, generous, funny, respectful person behind the ‘strong’ reputation. I was glad to have known him. From him I learned not to judge a book…. In fact, he was a key player in helping me move from Mohawk Dr. to Wren Dr. back in 1991. He went out of his way to make it happen. (I don’t have a photo…)

And that brings me to Dave Basl – also a nice guy. Always helpful, giving, efficient. There was seldom a holiday that went past that he didn’t send me a cheery greeting. He, too, helped us move; in fact, he arranged for me to borrow Smail’s big box truck, and even drove it for us. He and his wife had holiday parties and it was a family affair. My kids loved going there – his boys had a great train display set up at Christmas! Dave was still working (he’s my age) at Smail’s; I just saw him right before Easter. I was very surprised when I heard. I’m praying for Bob’s wife Chris and their families, and for Dave’s wife Lois and their four kids and grandkids.

David L. Basl Greensburg, Pennsylvania Obituary
David L Basl

Wow. So, I guess it’s time to move through the sad thoughts and remember the happy memories. And there were happy memories for lots of us who worked together!

After working both stores this morning, I made a deposit at the bank, stopped at the Dollar (.25) Tree and Dollar General, got gas in the car, and picked up a receipt from the cemetery to turn into the estate lawyer. After lunch I cut most of the yard. I treated the bottom yard on Saturday and it’s really not supposed to be cut until it rains. But I did the rest. Then I swept out and washed the car, and watered the plants I set in on Saturday. I figured watering the plants is a great way to assure it will rain! Also did a load of laundry. Busy day.

Clean car

I also checked at the gravesite at the cemetery to see if Mom’s birth and death dates were on the marker. They were, so that’s all done.

Hard to read, but I didn’t have a cloth with me to wipe it off.

April 25 – Tell about the first time you were ever behind the wheel of a car. “My brother Jim bought a car with a ‘rumble seat’. I was allowed to drive it around in our hay field. It was fun.” I remember our cousin Danny in his little gold Ramble convertible driving around in the field behind Grama’s house. And around. And around. And around. It’s a wonder he wasn’t dizzy… He would tie banana peals to his antenna. (???)

Yesterday’s vacation destination was Lancaster, and the picture posted was of President Buchanan’s home, Wheatland. I still remember touring the house. He was one of the only bachelor presidents. I think his niece was his ‘first lady’. Here are other sites around Lancaster:

Amish Country tours
Johannes Miller House tour
Authentic Amish homestyle meals
Amish Village tours
Ghost tours
Amish farm and house
Dutch Apple Dinner Theater
Historic Rock Ford Plantation
Holtwood Dam
Sight and Sound Theater

Calendar Inspiration – with good cheer and good companions, every job you do will go better.

Quote –

Scripture –

This verse often kept me going….

Vacation Destination –

Something on my friend Teresa’s bucket list – which she will get to do next month!

TOMORROW April 26th is:

Come on! Live a little. Help a horse (??), eat a pretzel, visit South Dakota. Whatever you do – enjoy! God bless…

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