Happy Birthday Autmn!

IM000021On January 21, 2003, Autmn Rose Stairs-Burke entered this world at Westmoreland Hospital, wrapped in a pink blanket and snuggled in her daddy’s arms.  We were so excited for Nate and Jaime as they presented the grandmothers with their first grandchild.  What a blessing!

IM000708It didn’t take long to see that she would take after her paternal grandmother in the gardening department, and was soon digging and planting right beside me. 2010-04-04 005Gardner in training!
I could not believe how fast she grew – and soon she was running about the yard, laughing and looking for eggs that the Easter Beagle had hidden.  These days, she helps him HIDE the eggs, rather than looks for them.

p10967s1105165_46_0I’ve watched her grow from playing with dolls to showing ME how to enhance my text messages and change my computer settings.  She loves lime green, listens to 96.1 (unlike her Y108 grammy!), keeps and collects everything she can get her hands on, likes to help teach Sunday School with me in the 4’s and 5’s class, and still wears a size 7/8!  She loves the fact that she used to live with me, and can recite her genealogy (all branches!) without batting an eye.  She likes being by herself sometimes but also likes all her brothers and sisters — step, half, or otherwise!  

Autmn 12  1-15I thought she looked so grown up last year-  but now she’s 13.  I can’t wait to see where this year will take her – and I’m so glad to be the ‘grammy’ that’s there for the ride!   Love you Miss Autmn!!!  Happy birthday!!!

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