The Martin House


Martin house 9-15On our last visit to see my parents, Kathy and I offered to jump in with any chore that needed done.  We didn’t know what we were getting into!

Mom mentioned that the Martin House that they got for their wedding (29 years ago!) had been stored in the corn crib for almost as many years.  She was afraid the weather would cause it to deteriorate and had kept it out of the elements.  It was time – she decided – that she stopped hiding it away and got it into the front yard where they could enjoy it.

Martin house.2 9-15First step was for John to get the John Deere tractor out and back it up next to the door of the corn crib.  It was about a 4 foot drop from the floor of the crib to the bed of the cart.  Hmmm.  Kath and I climbed the step ladder up into the building, and started hefting in to the door.  That thing was HEAVY!

We managed to slide the thing over to the edge and with everyone’s help got it lowered into the cart.  Kath and I jumped down and closed up the shed while John gave the bird house a little scenic tour around the farm yard.  By the time we got to the front flower bed, he had it backed into place.  Mom got a few bricks so it wouldn’t be sitting directly on the ground, and we lugged the thing off the cart and onto the bricks.

Martin House.1  9-15After several tries, we had the Martin House perched on the bricks, facing the house, tucked into the flower bed by the bird feeder.  

Mom walked around it and pronounced it satisfactory but missing something.  We went tramping around and found a little wooden Dutch boy and girl out by the Magnolia tree.Martin house.3  9-15We stood back and admired our hard work.  Perfect.  The little Martins will be exceedingly happy, having a snug, dry little place to lay their feathered heads, guarded by a couple to cute kids.  And a distinct pleasure to the eye, as well!  We love projects!  What a fun time…..

Martin house .4  9-15

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