Weekend in Albion

Kathy and I had a lovely couple of days visiting Mom and John.  We traveled up on Friday evening, and even with a traditional stop at Edinboro Walmart we were there before 7pm.  It was nice to get hugs all around and catch up on what was happening.

Saturday morning Kath and I did our 2 mile hike up the road (no forks this time!) and oooohed and aaaahed over the preacher’s house-in-progress.  Every time there is a little more to see.  Great job, Byron and friends!

John was content to stay out of the rain, but Kath and Mom and I went over to the Thrifty Shopper to eye up some specials they had.  We stopped at the consignment shop in downtown Albion, then buzzed into Sure Fine for one of their famous roasted chickens for lunch.  We topped that off with carrot cake and ice cream and it was a fabulous lunch!  Cleaning up was a snap with so many happy hands helping!IMG_3968

John was making a trip outside, probably to check on the bird feed, and modeled his new hoodie, a Christmas gift from his daughter Barb. IMG_3967 It’s fluorescent yellow, and makes it very easy for mom to spot John when he’s wandering around in the gardens. 

All too soon it was time to head back down I-79, to our home and to the obligations of every day life.  But our little retreat is always refreshing, as we are refueled by love and precious family time!  Can’t wait until next time!  Love you guys!

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