Wednesday June 11th 2014

DSCN3466When I got to work this morning there was a tomato sitting on my desk.  My friend Ron had dropped it off for me.  All day I looked at that tomato, and kept wanting to pop it in my mouth and just munch it down!  But when I considered the whole picture, I decided that I should just savor the thought and bring it home to have with supper.  Right now I have eaten that tomato about six dozen times in my mind!  And it was delicious in my thoughts every time.

I just now finished all my little household chores, ran 2 miles just barely ahead of the brewing storms, and now it’s time to eat the tomato!  It may seem like a small thing, but having something fun to look forward to at the end of my work day made waiting worth the effort.  When I’m tempted to jump heedlessly into projects, I try to make myself look at the whole picture.  I can often find the best choices and ultimately get the best out of my efforts by doing taking extra time to think things through. This is difficult for me as I am a whirling dervish most of the time. But worth the extra considerations. 

Something to think about….  

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