Wednesday January 7, 2015

Snoopy busy 1-15

Well, I can offer no excuse.  I kept telling myself that once the holidays were behind me, and the house and schedule back to its pre-Christmas status, I would have so much more time.

I never before realized how delusional I was….

Since the very minute the clock struck midnight on December 31/January 1, 2015, my life has been skyrocketed into projects and activities.  Luckily most of them have been more than worthy of my time and attention, but several are just plain work!

I spent 2 full days putting the decorations away, part of another day giving the house a thorough cleaning. We had ‘beef day’, wash day, organizing day, back to work day, trash day, …. way more days than there have BEEN days in 2015.  But being surrounded by people and things that mean so much to me, and being in places that offer familiar comfort and encouragement, has made me realize that being so blessed in my life is the important thing. 

It doesn’t matter if the driveway is totally cleared of snow; or that I left things un-done on my desk; or that I didn’t post in the Word Garden every other day.  Its the life that I enjoy, day after day – yes, even with backed up drains and flooded laundry rooms, sick co-workers and work overload, and driving 3 hours in the ICE & RAIN & SNOW!!! – I have joy.  Thank you, God, for my life, and for letting the peace that passes understanding surround and delight me! 

It’s a wonderful life!

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2 comments on “Wednesday January 7, 2015
  1. Susan says:

    Had to write! Thanking God for your life and your JOY! I love that word and don’t use it enough! So glad to see you posting that in your blog. Gail and I were just discussing that we miss your mom. We need to go see her, but not in the winter. Spring is just around the corner! Love you!

    • Marge Burke says:

      I could see her much more often if I could just FLY up there on a wing and a prayer! In the meantime, we connect through our thoughts, prayers, hearts, emails and phone calls! Hope we can go together this spring!!!

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